PM Kissan Samman Nidhi Yojana – To ensure that those in need get assistance, the Indian government implements such plans and initiatives. In the fields of education, employment, rationing, and pensions, there are a large number of programmers in India. The Indian government operates a number of programs at the country level, such as the Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana for farmers, which are administered by state governments.
Farmers are given financial assistance in line with this programmer. Funds have been distributed to eligible farmers in 11 installments so far, with the twelfth installment due in the near future. As a consequence, we will look at the PM Kisan 12th Installment Status 2025 on this website.
PM Kissan Samman Nidhi Yojana 2025
To improve the financial situation of farmers, the Indian government hired this programmer. Under this program, the GOI gives 6,000 rupees each year to farmers who have qualified. It is, however, available in three $2,000 installments. Nevertheless, it is necessary to perform e-KYC in order for the funds to be transferred to the recipient; otherwise, no benefits will be granted. The PM Kisan Nidhi Yojana 12th Kist 2025 will be available soon, and the farmers will receive Rs. 2000 of this installment.
Individuals whose accounts are linked with Aadhaar will receive the 12th installment, however others who have not completed e-KYC may now face issues. The 31st of August 2025 was established as the e-KYC deadline, although it has since passed. All farmers should get the PM Kisan Samman Nidhi in their accounts, according to the most recent report from September 2025.
PM Kissan Samman Nidhi Yojana 2025 Details
योजना का नाम | प्रधानमंत्री किसान सम्मान निधि योजना |
योजना को लागू करने वाले | किसान कल्याण मंत्रालय भारत सरकार |
उद्देश्य | किसानो की आर्थिक सहायता |
लाभार्थी | सभी आर्थिक रूप से गरीब किसान |
आवेदन करने की प्रारंभ तिथि | फरवरी 2019 |
दसवीं किस्त कब वितरित की जाएगी | 15 दिसम्बर से |
आवेदन का तरीका | ऑनलाइन |
वर्तमान वर्ष | 2025 |
आधिकारिक वेबसाइट | |
पीएम किसान एप्प | यहाँ क्लिक करें |
Category | Govt Schemes |
Also Check E Shram Portal
किसान सम्मान निधि योजना नयी अपडेट
The official in charge of the program remarked that given the large number of prospective beneficiaries, the allocation for the following financial year will be set aside in mind. “We have asked for a fair budget considering our existing database and the number of possible recipients,” he said. Farmers are granted Rs 6,000 per year under this program, with the government having already disbursed Rs 44,000 crore. Rs 2000 was deposited in the accounts of all beneficiaries from the 15th of December as the tenth installment of Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana.
किसानों के खाते में जमा की गयी राशि का विवरण
क्र संख्या | क़िस्त विवरण | खाते में ट्रांसफर की गई राशि का विवरण |
1 | पीएम किसान योजना पहली किस्त | फरवरी 2019 में जारी हुई |
2 | पीएम किसान योजना दूसरी किस्त | 2 अप्रैल 2019 को जारी की गई |
3 | पीएम किसान योजना तीसरी किस्त | अगस्त 2019 में जारी हुई |
4 | पीएम किसान योजना चौथी किस्त | जनवरी 2020 में जारी हुई |
5 | पीएम किसान योजना 5वीं किस्त | 1 अप्रैल, 2020 में जारी की गई |
6 | पीएम किसान योजना छठी किस्त | 1 अगस्त 2020 में जारी हुई |
7 | पीएम किसान योजना की सातवीं किस्त | दिसंबर 2020 में जारी की गई |
8 | पीएम किसान योजना की आठवीं किस्त | 1 अप्रैल 2021 में जारी की गई |
9 | पीएम किसान योजना की 9वीं किस्त | 09 अगस्त 2021 में जारी की गयी |
10 | पीएम किसान योजना की 10वीं किस्त | 1 जनवरी 2025 में जारी की गयी |
11 | पीएम किसान योजना की 11वीं किस्त | 14 – 15 मई 2025 को जारी की गई |
12 | पीएम किसान योजना की 12वीं किस्त | 17 अक्टूबर 2025 को जारी की गयी। |
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पीएम किसान सम्मान निधि 2025
Out of a total of about 9.5 crore farmers who have registered under the PM Kisan program, about 7.5 crore have been verified using Aadhaar. To expedite the approval process, the federal government has been pressuring states to finish it sooner than later, so that more money may be released by the end of this fiscal year. This program had been implemented by the government a year ago. Farmers with less than 2 hectares of property were included in this plan. The PM Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana received Rs 20,000 crore in the previous financial year. A total of over Rs.6000 crore was given out as a result of this.
PM KISAN 12th Installment Beneficiary List Download Link
If you’re not sure whether you’ve received the instalment or not, read on. You can’t check the status of your PM Kissin Samman Nidhi Yojana online. As a result, we will supply you with comprehensive data concerning PMKSNY 12th Installment Status Check Link in order for you to plainly see the Rs 2000 installment issued by the government. In order to do so, follow the steps mentioned below to verify PM Kisan Status using an Aadhar card.
You may also get the PM Kisan Yojana Beneficiary List Online 2025 by visiting this page. The bank accounts will receive the twelfth payment as soon as possible. KYC has been made a requirement for those who want to have an installation. If your KYC is lacking, you will not be able to receive the 12th install. All farmers will find it simple to purchase seeds and fertilizer for their crops once the 12th installment is released.
Must Read PM Kisan Yojana Registration
पीएम किसान सम्मान निधि योजना सम्बन्धित आवश्यक दस्तावेज
Those who wish to apply for the PM Kisan samman Nidhi yojana should do so. In addition, they need several essential documents. The article contains a list of all of the documents. Via the list provided in this article, all of the candidates may get all of the document related information.
- मूल निवास प्रमाण पत्र
- कृषक होने का प्रमाण पत्र
- आधार कार्ड
- पैन कार्ड
- खाता खतौनी की नकल
- पासपोर्ट साइज फोटो
- बैंक अकाउंट का विवरण
- आय प्रमाण पत्र
- उम्मीदवार भारत देश का निवासी होना अनिवार्य है।
- किसान आवेदक की उम्र 18 वर्ष से अधिक होनी चाहिए।
किसान सम्मान निधि योजना लिस्ट 2025 में अपना नाम कैसे देखें
If you are a farmer and want to see your name in the PM Kisan Yojana List 2025 or you want to check the names of those people in your village who are getting the benefits of this scheme, then you can follow the process mentioned below. can be easily seen through
- Go to the previous corner, then click on the beneficiary list, then choose your state name, district name, tehsil name, block name and village name before you get the report (select the option of Get report to see the PM Kisan Yojana list).
- After that, a list containing the names of all of your village’s or Samman Nidhi’s beneficiaries will appear, along with a list containing the names of those who are receiving installments.
- The list will include the names of the farmers who are receiving Samman Nidhi’s benefits.
How To Check PM Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana New Application Status?
You may check the status of your application form, which is now pending for review by a particular officer, when you apply for Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana. We’ll use the following steps to walk you through the procedure of verifying an application’s status. Let’s check it out
- आवेदन की स्थिति देखने के लिए सबसे पहले आपको पीएम किसान की आधिकारिक वेबसाइट पर जाना होगा।
- इसके बाद आपके सामने वेबसाइट का होम पेज खुल जायेगा। होम पेज पर आपको फार्मर कॉर्नर में स्टेटस ऑफ़ सेल्फ रजिस्टर्ड वाले ऑप्शन पर क्लिक करना होगा। आप नीचे दिए गए चित्र में आसानी से देख सकते हैं
How To Apply PM Kissin Samman Nidhi Yojana Online?
- First of all, you have to go to the official website
- On the home page you have to click on Farmers Corner.
- In which you have to select New Farmer booking.
- Her booking form do open on the next page.
- In which you have to fill in the data like Aadhar card number & captcha code etc. Right.
- After fill you have to select the submit option.
- After which her booking do be complete.
- If you want you can also take 2 print copies of the booking form for future reference.
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