TS PRC Contract And Outsourcing Employee Salary 2025 – Download the TS PRC 2020 GO.60 Agreement and Re-appropriating Workers Compensation From here. Telangana PRC 2025 GO.60 Subtleties are given here to data inspiration. TS PRC 2025 proposals on Agreement and Rethinking Representatives Compensation Climb and Different advantages. After quite a while, the pay rates of Agreement and reevaluating workers in the state will increment.
In January 2016, the public authority altogether expanded the pay rates of Agreement and re-appropriating workers who were battling to get by. Two times every year DA for government workers, while applying augmentations in the center.. Rethinking staff, who work comparable to normal representatives, are anticipating government compensation rises. Their pay rates will be expanded from April 1, after five years. The PRC has suggested an expansion in Agreement and reevaluating compensations by more than 50-60 percent.
TS PRC Contract And Outsourcing Employee Salary 2025
The state right now has 58000 rethinking workers and 66000 agreement representatives in different branches. As a matter of fact the High Court controlled to give equivalent compensation for equivalent work. As indicated by them, each Agreement and Reevaluating Representative ought to be paid somewhere in the range of Rs.40,000 and Rs.60,000. The CM as of late declared that Agreement and Reevaluating representatives will likewise profit from the compensation ascend according to the TS PRC 2025 Recommendations. The PRC suggestions then again are overpowering according to the given underneath following tables. It likewise said that the compensation climb ought to be expanded by Rs.1,000 till the yearly compensation modification, and that maternity leave, PF and ESI ought to be applied to female workers for a time of six years.
TS PRC announced a new contract, which will affect outsourcing employees’ salaries in 2025. This new contract will see outsourcing employees receive a fixed salary, along with benefits and retirement plans. This is a major change from the previous contract, which saw outsourcing employees receiving a commission based on the number of hours they worked. Outsourcing employees will now be able to get stability and a reliable salary, which should make them more likely to stay with the company for a longer period of time.
Details On TS PRC Contract And Outsourcing Employee Salary
Name of the TS PRC | Telangana PRC 2025 |
Title | TS PRC Contract And Outsourcing Employee Salary |
Subject | TS PRC Contract And Outsourcing Employee Salary |
Category | Pay Slip |
Official Website | treasury.telangana.gov.in/go.html |
30% Enhancement of SSA Employees Salary
- Government upgraded the honorarium to all classifications of staff working under Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan at different levels like School/Group/Mandal/Area and State Level and in Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalayas.
- Month to month compensation to all the agreement/re-appropriating administrations participated in different Government divisions/elements.
- Government concurred authorization for 30% improvement on the essential compensation as on 01.07.2018 to every one of the classes of administrations connected on agreement [outsourcing premise, under Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan at different levels, like
- School/Bunch/Mandal/Locale/State Level and in Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalayas, dependent upon the accompanying circumstances;
- The upgraded honorarium will be paid w.e.f. 01.6.2021, payable in the month July, 2021.
- The improvement of honorarium will be pertinent for every one of the classes of administrations connected on agreement/re-appropriating premise as far as the orders gave vide reference first read above with earlier consent of the Public authority and going on with Government orders occasionally.
- The following correction of the honorarium will be comparable to cther contract/reevaluating administrations participated in other Government divisions/elements.
Consolidated Pension/Family Pension to Telangana Pensioners
Name of the GO | Contract and outsourcing employee Salary GO |
Title | Contract and outsourcing employees Remuneration |
Subject | Contract and outsourcing employee Salary hiked |
PRC Name | TS RPS 2025 (TS PRC 2025) |
GO Number | GO.60 Contract and outsourcing employee Salary |
Download GO.60 | Download the Contract and outsourcing employee Salary GO.60 |
Download GO.117 | Download 30% Enhancement of Salary for SSA Contract /Outsourcing staff |
Download Proceedings 1337 | Download the SSA Contract Employees Salary Enhanced Proceedings |
TS PRC 2025 | Telangana PRC 2025 Latest Updates |
KGBV Employees New Salary
Category | Old Salary (PRC 2015) | New Salary (After 30% hike) |
SO | 25,000 | 32,500 |
CRT | 20,000 | 26,000 |
PGCRT | 23,000 | 29.900 |
PET | 12,000 | 15,600 |
Accountant | 11,000 | 14,300 |
ANM | 11,000 | 14,300 |
Worker | 7500 | 9700 |
Part Time Instructor | 6000 | 7800 |
Samagra Shiksha Employees New Salary
Category | Old Salary (PRC 2015) | New Salary (After 30% hike) |
CRP | 15,000 | 19,500 |
MISC | 15,000 | 19,500 |
PGCRT | 23,000 | 29.900 |
Computer Operator | 14,000 | 18,200 |
Messenger | 8,500 | 11,050 |
Inter & Higher Education Contract employees New Salary
Category | Old Salary (PRC 2015) | New Salary (After 30% hike) |
Junior Lecturer | 37,100 | 48,230 or 54220 |
Polytechnic Lecturer | 40270 | 52,351 or 58,850 |
Degree Lecturer | 40270 | 52,351 or 58,850 |
Part Time Junior Lecturers working on hourly basis | 21,600 | 28,080 |
Visitor personnel working in Degree Universities dealing with hourly premise | 21,600 | 28,080 |
Part Time Lecturers working on minimum time scale | Rs.37100 + DA | 48,230 + DA or 54220 + DA |
TS PRC 2020 GO.60 Details: Contract and outsourcing employees Salary
GO.60 Subject: Contracting and Reevaluating of specific administrations in Government Divisions – Improvement of Compensation – Orders – Gave. (Dated: 11-06-2025). Reference GOs (a) G.O.Rt.No.4271, Money (SMPC) Division, dated: 1.11.2008, (b) G.O.Ms.No.14, Money (HRM.I) Office, dated: 19.2.2016.
Government have been contracting/reevaluating specific administrations to take care of the requirements of Divisions/association/endeavors. The Public authority vide reference second read above gave orders fixing the compensation for Agreement/reevaluating administrations.
Government in the wake of checking on the current month to month compensation recommended for contract/rethought administrations, thusly request for upgrade of the month to month compensation fixed in the Public authority request gave vide reference second read above by 30%, i.e., to Rs.15,600/ – , Rs.19,500/ – and Rs.22,750/ – for the classifications I, II and III separately, for a wide range of administrations connected on agreement/reevaluating premise, from the long stretch of June, 2021, payable in July, 2025.
This request will be appropriate for all classes of administrations connected on agreement/rethinking premise as far as the orders gave vide reference first read above and going on with Government orders now and again.
Contract and outsourcing employees New Salary
Equivalent Category in Govt. | Old Salary | New Salary (After 30% hike) |
Group-IV | Rs.12,000/- per month | Rs.15,600/- |
Group-III | Rs.15,000/- per month | Rs.19,500/- |
Group-III(A) | Rs.17,500/- per month | Rs.22,750/- |
TS PRC 2025 to Contract and outsourcing employees
Contract and rethinking representatives numbering around 1,00,000 are working in the Govt. It is important to give them legitimate wages/compensation/pay so they have a good occupation and to live with respect. The Public authority have given GOs intermittently upgrading their compensation. The most recent orders vide G.O.Ms.No.14, Money (HRM-I) Division, dated 19.02.2016 gathered the workers and fixed their compensations as follow.
Enrollment: The Public authority is connecting with qualified youth for different positions showed in above through agreement and rethinking. This training is happening for over twenty years. The Commission proposes the accompanying: (1) Govt. may advise the quantity of people expected for different classifications of posts with the reevaluating organizations. The organizations need to keep a rundown of people in a chronic request like in the work trades and select them for a typical test for taking either on agreement or on rethinking premise.
Rethinking Office can do primer examination on angles like age, capabilities, work abilities, and so forth before they assign the names which can be in the proportion of 1:3. Govt. may sort out specific tests for such people and conclude the rundown of contender to be taken in different divisions. The tests for various classes can be coordinated by Stray at State Base camp (State level) and by the Locale Gatherer at region level, in every one of the areas, for rapid removal of the matter. Basing on the assessment, a last rundown can be shipped off different divisions.
Revised Contract and outsourcing employees Salary in TS PRC 2025
The Commission recommends the following remuneration to different categories of outsourced personnel:
Equivalent Category in Govt. | Existing Remuneration | Proposed/ Revised Remuneration |
Group-IV | Rs.12,000/- per month | Rs.19,000/- |
Group-III | Rs.15,000/- per month | Rs.22,900/- |
Group-III(A) | Rs.17,500/- per month | Rs.31,040/- |
They might be given upgrade of Rs.1000/ – (Rupees 1,000 just) consistently until the compensation scales are reexamined in future as on account of Home Gatekeepers who are likewise not Government workers.
Other benefits for outsourcing employees:
But procured leave, they ought to get every one of the offices of ordinary representatives including paid maternity leave of a half year according to the law to the ladies contract/reevaluated workers; They ought to be enlisted for EPF, ESI according to regulation;
Least instructive capability will be graduation for Junior Colleague and comparable posts and a decent capability in utilizing PC and MS Office/Web perusing, and so on; 4) They ought to be given fundamental preparation, basing on the necessities of the division to which their administrations are being drafted. 5) They might be expanded the transport pass office as appropriate to Govt. workers;
TS PRC Contract And Outsourcing Employee Salary Contract Period and Renew:
Basing on the necessity the residency will be essentially for two (2) years. The presentation ought to be surveyed from there on. On the off chance that the presentation is viewed as very terrible, the agreement straightforwardly or through rethinking office ought to be ceased, or the consequences will be severe, the agreement ought to be expanded. The course of evaluation, commitment or withdrawal must be finished in an exceptionally straightforward way.
Training and Capacity Building:
Every one of the people who are working now and to be taken part in future on agreement/re-appropriating will be given fundamental preparation in drafting, document the executives, word handling, utilizing of MS Office and electronic record handling in which they are working either by the HRD Foundation or by the TSIPARD or their separate preparation establishments any place accessible.
Contract employees at the higher level other than the above:
Government have been taking workers at a marginally more elevated level on agreement premise and furthermore to meet the particular abilities and information based necessity. This can be kept basing on the appropriate evaluation of the need. Connecting such work force ought to be finished by the Council of Secretaries comprising of Secretary (Stray), Secretary (Administrations) and Money Secretary. They likewise ought to be locked in with a particular agreement understanding verified by the Law Office and Backer General.
Contract employees in Intermediate and Higher Education:
Countless teachers are working in Middle and Advanced education Divisions on agreement premise. They are being paid least of the compensation scale. The inspiration level of these agreement teachers is at a low level, thus, influencing the nature of instruction. Government have given different orders designating contract speakers as demonstrated beneath.
Inter & Higher Education Contract employees Salary in PRC 2025
Category | No. of persons | Previous remuneration/ Honorarium in RPS 2018 | Existing remuneration in RPS 2025 |
Junior Lecturer | 3687 | 18030 | 37100 |
Polytechnic Lecturer | 435 | 19050 | 40270 |
Degree Lecturer | 926 | 20680 | 40270 |
Part Time Junior Lecturers working on hourly basis | 63 | Rs.150/- per hour (Rs.10,800 per month) | Rs.300/-per hour (Rs.21,600 per month) |
Guest faculty working in Degree Colleges working on hourly basis | 390 | Rs.100/- per hour (Rs.7,200 per month) | Rs.300/-per hour (Rs.21,600 per month) |
Part Time Lecturers working on minimum time scale | 195 | Rs.18030 + DA | Rs.37100 + DA |
Revised Inter & Higher Education Contract and outsourcing employees Salary in TS PRC 2025:
The Commission prescribes the accompanying compensation to various classes of re-appropriated faculty.
Category | TS PRC 2025 Recommended remuneration |
Junior Lecturer | Rs.54,220/- (Minimum of the pay scale in the revised pay scale) |
Polytechnic Lecturer | Rs.58,850/- (Minimum of the pay scale in the revised pay scale) |
Degree Lecturer | Rs.58,850/- (Minimum of the pay scale in the revised pay scale) |
Part Time Junior Lecturers working on hourly basis | Rs.400/- per hour (Rs.28800/- per month) |
Guest faculty working in Degree Colleges working on hourly basis | Rs.400/- per hour (Rs.28800/- per month) |
Part Time Lecturers working on minimum time scale | Rs.54,220/- D.A. (Minimum of the pay scale + D.A. in the revised pay scale) |
The Commission is of the assessment that the Public authority ought to fill the posts of instructors through a normal enlistment. At the point when this enlistment is occurring, people who are now working in junior universities, degree schools might be given appropriate weightage during the determination cycle. They must be enlisted in ordinary posts basing on the capabilities, norms, and so on expected for such posts on standard size of pay. Other people who are not chosen might be gone on in the current act of least of the size of pay relating to the post that they are holding, dependent upon accessibility of opening.
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