How To Remove Ads And Other Annoyances From Windows 11 laptop/ PC

Windows 11 laptop/ PC: Windows 11, the latest operating system from Microsoft, incorporates ads in the form of app recommendations in the Start menu, tips displayed on the lock screen, and other promotional content in different areas. While these ads can sometimes be intrusive, users have the option to customize their settings within Windows 11 to disable most of these advertisements and other unwanted features.

To manage these ads and enhance your user experience on Windows 11, you can navigate through the system settings to turn off these promotional elements. By disabling these ads, you can streamline your usage and reduce distractions while working or browsing on your device.

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In addition to disabling ads, users can also explore other settings within Windows 11 to personalize their experience further. Customizing features such as notifications, background apps, and privacy settings can help tailor the operating system to suit your preferences and optimize performance.

By taking advantage of these customization options and fine-tuning your Windows 11 settings. You can create a more seamless and enjoyable computing experience tailored to your needs.

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How To remove Start menu ads on Windows 11 laptop/ PC?

If you’re tired of seeing pesky ads cluttering your Windows 11 Start menu, it’s time to take action and reclaim a cleaner desktop experience. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can bid farewell to those unwanted distractions and enjoy a more streamlined interface. Remember, a clutter-free Start menu not only enhances your productivity but also provides a more pleasant user experience. Say goodbye to ads and hello to a cleaner desktop today!

  • Click on the Start menu icon.
  • Now right-click on the app you want to uninstall.
  •  Click on the Uninstall button.
  • Click on the Uninstall button once again to uninstall the app

You’ll need to do this for each app you want to remove. This way you can declutter the Start menu with apps you never installed.


How to permanently stop app suggestions and other recommendations from the Start menu

By taking control of your Start menu and eliminating app suggestions and other recommendations, you can streamline your user experience and personalize your desktop to suit your preferences. This simple adjustment can enhance your productivity and reduce distractions, allowing you to focus on what matters most. Say goodbye to unwanted interruptions and hello to a more tailored and efficient Start menu. Embrace a clutter-free desktop that works for you.

  • Open Settings app.
  • Click on Personalization.
  • Click on Start.
  • Tunn off Show recommendations for tips, shortcuts, new apps, and more.

After applying these settings, you should stop receiving app recommendations and other content suggestions in the Start menu. This will also disable the new start menu ads that Microsoft is rolling out.

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How To remove lock screen ads on Windows 11 PC

Microsoft displays advertisements on the lock screen through different formats, which are activated by default with the Windows Spotlight feature. To stop these ads, you can switch to Picture or Slideshow modes and deactivate the option to receive fun facts, tips, and tricks on your lock screen. The following steps will guide you through the process:

  • Open Settings.
  • Click on Personalization.
  • Click on the Lock screen.
  • In the “Personalize your lock screen” section select Picture or Slideshow.
  • Next, uncheck Get fun facts, tips, tricks, and more on your lock screen.

How To Remove Search Suggestions in the search panel

To experience a cleaner interface and bypass web suggestions, follow these steps after clicking on the search bar in Windows to view content suggestions in the search box and the search home.

  • Open Settings.
  • Click on Privacy and Security.
  • Click on the Search permissions in the right side panel.
  • Scroll down and turn off Show search highlights.
  • Once the search highlights are turned off, only Quick searches and Tops apps will appear in the search home, allowing for a much cleaner experience.

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How To Remove OneDrive ads from File Explorer

Microsoft periodically suggests its cloud service OneDrive while using the File Explorer. While users who are already in the Microsoft ecosystem may find this useful, it quickly gets annoying for others, if you want to change this behaviour, here’s how you can do this:

  • Open File Explorer.
  • Click on the three-dot menu located at the top.
  • Click Options.
  • Select the view tab.
  • Scroll down and uncheck Show sync provider notifications.

Windows 11 will no longer prompt OneDrive or other Microsoft products while using File Explorer.

How To remove news in the Widgets screen?

The Widgets screen on Windows 11 by default is set to show news, which can be considered annoying by some users. If you want to get rid of the news section from the Widgets screen, follow the below steps:

  • Open the Widgets board by clicking on the bottom left of the Windows home screen.
  • Now open Settings by clicking on the gear icon in the top right corner of the Widget board.
  • Click on Show or Hide feeds.
  • Toggle the button to Turn off Microsoft News.
  • Now, click on the Turn off button on the next screen.
  • After turning it off, the Widgets board will no longer show news.

When customizing your Windows settings, it’s also advisable to disable the Open Widgets board on hover feature. By doing so, you can avoid the Widgets board from popping up unintentionally when hovering your mouse over the Widgets button on the Windows home screen. This adjustment can streamline your user experience and prevent any interruptions while navigating through your desktop. Additionally, exploring other customization options within the Windows interface can further enhance your workflow and overall usability of the system.

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How To block notification ads?

Windows 11 incorporates notification ads within the notification center, offering tips and suggestions on optimizing Windows usage. While these notifications can provide valuable insights for users, some may prefer to disable them. To do so, users can follow straightforward steps to customize their notification settings according to their preferences. By allowing users the option to control their notification experience, Windows 11 aims to strike a balance between providing useful information and respecting user autonomy in managing their digital environment.

  • Open Settings.
  • Click System.
  • Click Notifications
  • Scroll down and click on Additional settings.
  • In additional settings, Uncheck Show the Windows welcome experience after updates and when signed in to show what’s new and suggested.
  • Uncheck Suggest ways to get the most out of Windows and finish setting up this device.
  • Uncheck Get tips and suggestions when using Windows.
  • Windows will now stop showing notification ads.

How to remove suggested content on the Settings app?

Windows displays content recommendations when utilizing the Settings application. Here is a guide on how to turn off these recommendations using a few straightforward steps:

  • Open Settings.
  • Click Privacy and security.
  • Click on General.
  • In the next screen, Turn off Show me suggested content in the settings.

Settings app will now stop showing suggested content.

How To Remove Windows Copilot from the Taskbar?

If you wish to eliminate the Windows Copilot button from the Taskbar, here is how to do so, despite the many beneficial AI features it offers to Windows.

  • Right-click on the Taskbar.
  • In the next screen, Turn off Show me suggested content in the settings.

Settings app will now stop showing suggested content.

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How To Remove Windows Copilot from the Taskbar?

Windows Copilot introduces a myriad of beneficial AI functionalities to Windows, enhancing user experience and productivity. However, for individuals seeking to remove the Windows Copilot button from the Taskbar, the process is straightforward. To do so, right-click on an empty area of the Taskbar, navigate to the “News and interests” menu, and select “Hidden” from the options provided. This action will discreetly hide the Windows Copilot button from view without affecting its underlying functionalities. By customizing the Taskbar to suit individual preferences, users can optimize their desktop environment for seamless workflow and enhanced usability.

  • Right-click on the Taskbar.
  • Turn off Copilot in Windows (preview).

How To Remove Ads And Other Annoyances From Windows 11 laptop/ PC FAQ’S

Why is Windows 11 full of ads?

The ads are part of the KB5036980 update that rolled out to Windows 11 on Tuesday.

How do I turn off annoying ads?

Access Android settings, select Apps, and then designate the specific browser for which you wish to adjust permissions.

How to quickly remove bloatware from Windows 11?

Right-click on the offending bloatware, then click Uninstall.

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