Why Is OLQ Important For SSB interview – Every defense applicant should be aware of the SSB interview and what they will encounter there. However, it is crucial to understand what the SSB expects of a candidate. Without any preparation, the vast majority of the candidates attend their SSB interview, and they have no idea what the board is looking for in officers. Because they are unaware of such important information regarding officer like qualities, even potential candidates are unable to perform better when the time comes.
OLQ means the acronym for OFFICER LIKE QUALITIES. All Defence candidates are expected to exhibit the ‘Officer Like Qualities’ to fulfill the eligibility criteria for being a Defence Officer – Army Officer, Naval Officer, or Air Force Officer. Different aspects of well behavioral, thinking, and working qualities make up the 15 Officer Like Quality. These qualities are importance for a Defence Officer in order to have a liberal, spontaneous, and sophisticated response to any situation.
Why Is OLQ Important For SSB interview?
Based on what the selection of a candidate depends on, this is the key to getting success in an SSB interview, you’ll learn more about the 15 officers’ qualities and four major factors in this article. During the SSB interview, the Selection Board examines each candidate thoroughly and seeks out Officer Like Qualities (OLQs). Since the profession of serving in the Indian Armed Forces requires you to demonstrate qualities such as willpower, strength, and endurance, it tests you.
Thus, SSB tests the OLQs of an aspirant. These OLQs stands as a very influential factor for being select as an officer. The qualities can be innate or need to be developed over time. Mostly the qualities are imbibed through voluntary involvement in changing habits and practice and being committed to channelizing thoughts and works in the right direction.
OLQ Important for SSB Interview Details
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15 Officer Like Quality
- Effective Intelligence
- Reasoning Ability
- Power Of Expression
- Organizing Ability
- Social Adaptability
- Sense of Responsibility
- Co-operation
- Self Confidence
- Initiative
- Ability to Influence the Group
- Speed of making Decision
- Determination
- Liveliness
- Courage
- Stamina
The selection procedure in an SSB Interview majorly depends on aspirants’ qualities which marks the potential of the aspirant’s chance of being selected. Thus here, we discuss the qualities, why are they important, and how to imbibe them to increase your chance of getting choose.
The Officers Like Qualities in brief:
Effective Intelligence
What is Effective Intelligence in Services Selection Board?
Effective Intelligence is an separate ability to propagate his/her innate and developed capabilities effectively, in order to acquire success. It is the natural way of a person to tackle difficulty, with available resources, and extract the best solution in any situation.
Why is Effective Intelligence, an important Officer’s Quality in SSB ?
The other name for Effective understanding is the presence of mind or spontaneity. At times, Defence Officers are ought to make a decision based on the condition without consultation with anyone else. Thus, a quick, practical, and effective belief process is a very crucial thing for an Officer to possess. Basic or Effective Intelligence, therefore, shall be sharp enough to get select by the Services Selection Board interviewing team.
How to develop Effective Intelligence in SSB?
Enhancing Effective intelligence need a lot of practicality. To imbibe this 1st standard from the list of OLQ’s you must take some practices on a regular basis. Practices, such as solving puzzles ( a normal jigsaw puzzle or a crossword puzzle does the job), solutioning riddles, solving Rubik’s Cube, etc.
Consideration is another very accurate way to integrate your Effective Intelligence. Reading a newspaper and thinking out the probable answer can surely be an effective and practical approach to develop your Effective Intelligence.
Basically, Effective Intelligence is all regard making the right decisions spontaneously. And which need a lot of thinking effort. When making a decision you must be able to figure out all the probable sequel before marching for it. Thus, to sharpen your Effective Intelligence make sure to mind gym daily.
Reasoning Ability
What is Reasoning Ability in SSB?
Reasoning ability is an individual’s ability to think and reason intelligently. Being a Defence Officer, you must have a valid explanation and reason later each task you do, the decision you make, or what you command.
Why is Reasoning Ability essential for Services Selection Board?
A Defence Officer is at times need to take immediate decisions and to make sure that you do not stand unreasonable for your decision. Questions in an Services Selection Board interview often begin with ‘WHY’ and then you require to put forward your reasons.
A Defence Candidate is thus expected to have good reasoning ability. The reasoning ability thus stands as a crucial standard because until you can reason for your works properly you can barely make an effective decision.
How to improve Reasoning Ability in SSB?
The practice is the key to reasoning facility. The more you take decision being aware of the sequel more your reasoning ability is enhanced. To arrange a current location logically to the situation that would appear after the conduction of your decision is what sharpens one’s reasoning ability.
One great way of developing this skill is by reasoning own self in front of the mirror for every big small daily-life incident or conclusion. Even thinking of the logic after any incident can be a good way to channelize one’s reasoning ability.
Reading the newspaper and practicing to frame your own reason after any particular topic also helps and widens thoughts. Reading self-motivating books, detective stories, and helps in the improvement of Reasoning facility.
The best reason (solution) comes when you are truthful to yourself, instead of trying to showcase vivid thoughts and proving yourself in the discussion.
Power Of Expression
What is the Power of Expression in SSB?
The power of expression is expressing or explaining your plans, thoughts, reasons, illustrations with others. In other words, it is the way of putting forward your own belief. It need good orating and communicating skills and reasoning ability.
Why is Power Of Expression important for SSB?
If you aspire to be a Defence Officer, the power of declaration is very crucial for it is the 1st stage to convince your troop for any action. The Services Selection Board interviewers highly focus on this parameter because it brings out a person’s own self.
With the Power of Expression of an individual, you can estimate their effective observation(by the way they deliver quick replies) or Reasoning ability (by the way they reason) or their fluency as they deliver a speech.
Hence to get graded better in an SSB discussion you must be very crisp and clear with everything you deliver, i.e., your power of expression should be strong enough to hold interviewers’ attention.
How to develop Power Of Expression for Services Selection Board?
The best way to enhance your power of statement is to practice in front of the mirror. Knowing the facts and expressing them accurately makes a person ideal for an officer’s location. Practice writing argumentative essays, practice debating, read the essay you right loudly, these help in realizing how the tone of voice and manner of statement shapes the audience’s interest.
Reading self-development books also helps in developing the Power of statement. Therefore be honest to yourself, keep things realistic and easy, and behave accordingly when in an Services Selection Board interview.
Organizing Ability
What is Organizing Ability in SSB?
Organizing ability is the reflection of your facility to manage your time, workload, and resources efficiently. It suggest a person’s thought clarity, the efficiency of work, punctuality, dedication, presenting skills, and leading capabilities.
Why is Organizing ability important for Services Selection Board?
Organizing ability is important for Services Selection Board recommendation as it pimples how well organized you are and how you organize things when leading it, which is a general work of an Officier to organize his/her ideas and propagate them in the right organized order to obtain success.
The motto of the Special Force, that is, ‘Minimum Men Maximum Impact’ upholds the quality of Organizing power. It emphasizes on less resource but a more arrange way of work to generate maximum impact. Thus, for a Defence Candidate, organizing Ability stands as a very important quality.
How to develop Organizing Ability in SSB?
Organizing ability can be developed by leading an organized life, i.e., by keeping one’s own house and belongings arranged. 2ndly by taking part in cultural programs, where you can serve the purpose of regulating and presenting the backstage or on stage works.
Also making a timetable and step by step by future plans indicates how well arranged a person is. Thus, presenting an organized lifestyle can sure develop a better quality in a person.
Social Adaptability
What is the social adaptability in SSB?
Social adaptability is the measure of a person’s ability to adjust with a new surrounding and new people, his/her adjustment with seniors, colleagues, and subordinates.
It give back the character of an individual, and also determines the leadership qualities, expression power of the person.
Why is social adaptability important for Services Selection Board?
Co-operation and communication are a big factor when you desire to select to be a Defence Officier. The position need many qualities in which Social adaptability is one most important as it measures what type of person you are. Your exchange with people brings out the real you, your morals, behavior, manners.
The main reason behind the inclusion of this in the OQL is, in every 2 years an Officers get transferred to a latest place and a new regiment and hence must possess this quality.
How to develop Social Adaptability in SSB?
Social versatility can be improved by socializing with people, with hearty co-operation. An SSB candidates is expected to shed his/her shyness. Try to communicate with human being, be respectful irrespective of age, gender, social position, or rank at work.
Always be sincere and ready to sacrifice your own sympathy for the sake of anyone else. Opening up with people and talking positivity is a very well sign which can be execute by following it in your regular lifestyle. Try to be a part of any company r group to imbibe and develop this quality in a better way.
Sense Of Responsibility
What is Sense of Responsibility in SSB?
It is a person’s facility to take up duties and complete the task with utmost effort. Responsibility defines a person’s moral worth. It is an individual determination to fight in case of all odds to live up to his/her words.
Why is Sense of Responsibility important in Services Selection Board?
A sense of responsibility is the reflection of a candidate’s dedication and determination towards standing tall as a Defence Officer. It shows to what extent a separate can value his/her vows and promises. It designates the person’s respect for the laws and assurance he takes as a Defence Officer.
How to develop a sense of responsibility in SSB?
Taking importance and carrying them till the last hope ceases is what defines an ideal Officer. To develop this facility, one must take part in different activities or programs and put all effort to live up to everyone’s expectations and complete the work.
You must look after all your works be it in your family or other sectors as your importance and with no excuses must try to finish it no matter how difficult it becomes.