WBPSC Clerkship Result 2025 Notification, Merit List, Cut Off, Official Website @esb.mp.gov.in

WBPSC Clerkship Result- The MPESB Sub Engineer Result 2025 is a highly anticipated event for all candidates who appeared in the exam. With 283 vacancies across multiple engineering disciplines, this recruitment drive presents a significant opportunity for aspiring engineers and technicians in Madhya Pradesh.

The result will determine who progresses to the next stage of the selection process, and it is important for candidates to stay updated on the official MPESB website for the latest information regarding the result declaration. The process of result preparation is designed to be transparent and fair, with a provisional answer key released shortly after the exam, followed by a window for submitting objections.

WBPSC Clerkship Result 2025

The Madhya Pradesh Employee Selection Board (MPESB) organized the Group 3 Sub Engineer (SE) Recruitment Exam on September 19, 2025, to select candidates for various technical positions, including Sub Engineer, Sahayak Manchitrakar, and Technician roles.

A total of 283 vacancies have been announced for these posts, making this a highly competitive exam. Candidates have appeared for the exam in two shifts across the state of Madhya Pradesh, and they are eagerly awaiting the release of their MPESB Sub Engineer Result to find out whether they have successfully qualified for the next phase of recruitment.

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WBPSC Clerkship Result

WBPSC Clerkship Result 2025 Overviews

Recruitment AgencyMadhya Pradesh Employee Selection Board
Posts IncludedSub Engineer, Sahayak Manchitrakar, and Technician Posts
Total Vacancies283
Exam Held On19 September 2025
MPESB Sub Engineer Resultto be declared
Official Siteesb.mp.gov.in

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WBPSC Clerkship Result Notification

The MPESB Sub Engineer Group 3 exam took place on September 19, 2025, in two separate shifts. The morning shift was conducted from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm, while the afternoon shift ran from 2:30 pm to 5:30 pm. This recruitment process aims to fill 283 vacancies across various posts in the engineering, technical, and design sectors, including positions like Sub Engineer, Sahayak Manchitrakar, and Technician. The exam tested candidates on their knowledge of general aptitude as well as their specific engineering disciplines.

Merit List

The MPESB Sub Engineer Merit List 2025 will be a crucial document for candidates who appeared in the Group 3 Sub Engineer Recruitment Exam. It will be prepared based on candidates’ performance in the written exam, with those scoring above the category-wise cut-off marks being included. The merit list will rank candidates based on their total score, and in case of ties, tie-breaking criteria such as age or subject-specific marks may be applied.

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MPESB Sub Engineer Result Preparation Process

The process of preparing and declaring the MPESB Sub Engineer Result 2025 is systematic and transparent. Here’s an overview of the steps involved in this process:

  1. Provisional Answer Key: After the exam is completed, the MPESB releases a provisional answer key. This allows candidates to verify their responses and compare them with the official answers.
  2. Objection Submission: If candidates find discrepancies in the answer key, they can submit objections. The board typically gives candidates a specific window of time to raise these concerns, and objections must be supported by valid reasoning or documentation.
  3. Final Answer Key: After reviewing all submitted objections, the MPESB finalizes the answer key. Any necessary corrections are made, and this final version is used to evaluate the candidates’ answer sheets.
  4. Evaluation of Answer Sheets: The answer sheets are then evaluated based on the final answer key. Candidates receive marks for each correct answer, and their total score is calculated accordingly.
  5. Preparation of Merit List: Once all the answer sheets are evaluated, a merit list is prepared. This list includes the names of candidates who have qualified for the next stage of the recruitment process, based on their performance and score.
  6. Result Announcement: The final MPESB Sub Engineer Result is then declared and made available on the official website. Candidates can access their individual results, including their score and rank, through a secure login portal.

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MPESB Engineer Group 3 Expected Cut-Off Marks

The cut-off marks for the MPESB Sub Engineer Exam are an essential aspect of the recruitment process, as they determine which candidates will be eligible to move on to the next stage. The expected cut-off marks for 2025 have been estimated based on the exam’s difficulty level, previous years’ trends, and the number of candidates appearing for the exam. Below is an estimate of the cut-off marks for various categories:

DisciplineCategoryCut-Off Marks (Out of 200)
Civil/Electrical/Mechanical EngineeringUR: Male155-165
UR: Female145-155
OBC: Male150-160
OBC: Female140-150
SC: Male140-150
SC: Female125-135
ST: Male120-130
ST: Female100-110
EWS: Male145-155
EWS: Female130-140

These figures are estimates and may vary depending on various factors such as the actual performance of candidates and the number of vacancies available. The MPESB will publish the official cut-off marks after the results are announced.

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How to Check MPPEB SE Result 2025?

Candidates who are anxiously waiting for the MPESB Group 3 Sub Engineer Result 2025 can follow these simple steps to check their result:

  1. Visit the Official MPESB Website: Go to the official website of the Madhya Pradesh Employee Selection Board (MPESB) at esb.mp.gov.in.
  2. Find the Result Section: On the homepage, look for the “Results” section or a link labeled “MPESB Group 3 Sub Engineer Result 2025.”
  3. Click on the Result Link: Once you find the result link, click on it. You will be redirected to a login page.
  4. Enter Login Details: On the login page, enter your registration number and date of birth as provided during the application process.
  5. View Your Result: After logging in, your result will appear on the screen. It will show your individual score, the category-wise cut-off marks, and your rank or position on the merit list if applicable.
  6. Download and Print: Candidates are advised to download or take a printout of their result for future reference.

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WBPSC Clerkship Result FAQ’S

When will the PSC Clerkship Result 2025 release ?

The WBPSC Clerkship Examination Result will be available by December 2025.

Which is the Official Website to check the WB Clerkship Result ?

You can visit the Official Website at psc.wb.gov.in or you can bookmark this web page to catch the latest updates of the West Bengal Clerkship Result 2025.

How will PSC West Bengal publish the Clerkship Result ?

The WBPSC Clerkship Result 2025 will be available online.

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