Tripura RTO Code: When a car is registered in Tripura, the Tripura RTO is assigned to each regional transportation office. The Tripura RTO code is broken down by district, and the information below includes the relevant address and phone number. The RTO assigns a unique number plate to each transport vehicle. On this license plate, the relevant district number is followed by a referential state code. It also includes four-digit car numbers that change with each vehicle.
The register TR RTO code is held by the Tripura Regional Transport Office. Tripura is represented by the abbreviation TR. It also displays which state the vehicle is registered in. If you want to learn more about the automobile owner, contact the RTO at the provided phone number and address.
Tripura RTO Code in India 2025
Tripura RTO Code is a national regulations that governs the functioning of Regional Transport Offices (RTOs). It was formulated in an effort to improve the speed, transparency and efficiency of the transport sector in the country. The code is based on a model that was developed by Volvo in the early 1990s. It covers a wide range of issues, from regulating bus services to setting standards for goods transportation. In this post, we’ll provide you with a brief overview of the code and highlight some of its key provisions.
Each RTO office has its own vehicle register number, which is allocated state-by-state. A unique automobile registration number is assigned to each state. After providing the RTO location, vehicle specs, the owner’s name, and so on, register a vehicle’s number. The Tripura RTO list is provided below, including a list of all RTO offices and RTOs in Tripura. The first two digits identify the state, the second two digits identify the RTO, and the last four digits identify the vehicle. The register number is an eight-digit code; the first two digits are used to IDENTIFY it. The Tripura state abbreviation TR01-1234 is one example, while the RTO in Agartala is 01 and the vehicle registration number is 1234.
Tripura RTO Details
Post name | Tripura RTO Code List pdf |
Name of Department | Transport Department |
year | 2025 |
Article Category | Trending |
Official Website | Click Here |
Check Also Gujarat RTO Code List 2025
About Tripura RTO
Do you need a new RTO? Is your business struggling to keep up with the demands of the modern world? If so, you’re not alone. Tripura RTOs are here to help! These reliable and professional partners can help you handle all your business needs – from contract negotiations to document management. So what are you waiting for? Let them take care of everything for you!
Under the 1988 Motor Vehicles Act, the Regional Transport Office was established in Tripura. Its fundamental purpose is to ensure that the Act’s requirements are followed. A Movant statute is in existence, which is a national law.The Transport Commissioner is in charge of the Tripura Regional Transport Office. And it offers a wide variety of services to the public at large. Registering vehicles, issuing licenses, and granting permits are just a few of the tasks that may be performed.
List of RTO Office 2025 in Tripura
Code | Office |
TR-01 | Agartala |
TR-02 | Kailasahar |
TR-03 | Udaipur |
TR-04 | Ambassa |
TR-05 | Dharmanagar |
TR-06 | Khowai |
TR-07 | Sepahijala |
TR-08 | Santirbazar |
Read More Ladakh RTO Code List Download
RTO Code list 2025 PDF Download
The Right to Third Party (RTO) provisions in contracts are becoming increasingly important for businesses. They allow businesses to work with third-party consultants and suppliers, who are not part of the contract between the business and its customer. By using an RTO code list, businesses can make sure that they are working with reputable and qualified providers. Here, we have compiled a complete RTO code list for you to download.
RTO Locations | RTO Code |
Agartala | TR01 |
Kailashahar | TR02 |
Udaipura | TR03 |
Dharmanagar | TR04 |
Ambassa | TR05 |
Visit Here Sikkim RTO Code List PDF
Tripura RTO Helpline Number
If you are facing any issue while travelling in Tripura, you can contact Tripura RTO helpline number for getting proper help. Tripura RTO helpline number is always available to help the tourists. You can call them anytime, day or night, and the staff of Tripura RTO helpline will help you with whatever problem you are encountering while travelling in Tripura codes are here Pincode:799001, Paribahan Bhavan, Astabol, Northgate, Agartala. West Tripura District (0381) 232-4601 is the telephone number. [email protected]
Registration Check Online Tripura 2025
RTO Office | RTO Code |
Agartala | TR01 |
Khowai | TR06 |
North Tripura | TR02 |
Rupnagar | TR07 |
South Tripura | TR08 |
Udaipur | TR04 |
Udaipur | TR03 |
dharmanagar | TR05 |
Check More Jharkhand RTO Code PDF Download
Documents Required For Vehicle Registration
In Tripura, a motor vehicle may be driven without first obtaining a registration at the Tripura RTO. So, there’s everything you need to know about the Tripura RTO’s Online Vehicle Registration process:
Tripura RTO requires the following documents for registration of a motor vehicle:
- Vehicle registration application Form 20
- PUC certificate
- Road worthiness certificate Form 22
- Vehicle insurance certificate
- Passport size photographs
- Applicable application fee
- For registration of an imported vehicle, custom clearance certificate is required to be submitter
- Vehicle invoice
- Age and address proof documents
- Passport size photographs
- Once the age and address proof documents have been verifier, the RTO officials will check the vehicles and use that information to issue the vehicle owner’s registration number. The auction method can be use to get fancy registration numbers.
How To Download Tripura RTO Code Pdf Online?
- click on the direct download link provided at the bottom of this page to get a free copy of the Tripura RTO Code List PDF.
- Tripura State All RTO Code List District Wise is abbreviated as Regional Transport Office.
- An agency or body of the Indian government is in charge of registering automobiles throughout India.
- Every state in India issues driving licenses and vehicle registration cards.
- The direct link provided below gives you access to the district wise RTO code list for Tripura State, along with the office address and helpline phone number, in PDF format.
Now you have the complete details about Tripura RTO Code List 2025 TR. After reading the article, you can easily understand that how important this code is for the successful completion of any driving test in Tripura. Hence, it is highly suggested to practice this route before stepping into a testing center. In case you are planning to take up your driving test and want to pass it first time, then we suggest going through all these information again and also using our RTO code cheatsheet. This way, nothing can stop you from becoming a pro driver!
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