Star Health Gain Insurance Plan Benefits, Features, Buy & Renew

Star Health Gain Insurance Plan – Star Health and Allied Insurance Company Limited provides the health insurance plan known as Star Health Gain Insurance. The goal of this health insurance plan is to provide policyholders and their families with the best medical care possible. The amount of sum insured, the amount of the premium, and the size of the family are all options open to policyholders. As a result, this is one of Star Health Insurance Company’s best health insurance plans for families who want to protect their health and save money on taxes.

This health insurance plan covers everything, including inpatient and day-care procedure costs, medical checkups, and both pre- and post-hospitalization costs. Sum Insured options for this plan include Rs. 1 lakh, Rs. 2 lakh, Rs. 3 lakh, Rs. 4 lakh, and Rs. 5 lakh. In addition, the Star Health Gain Insurance plan is offered as an individual or family floater option.

Star Health Gain Insurance Plan

The Star Health Gain Insurance Policy, which is offered by Star Health, is a medical insurance policy specifically designed to provide individuals and their families with the best possible medical treatments and procedures. The Star Health Gain Plan is a one-of-a-kind plan that lets customers choose their Sum Insured (SI), premium, and family coverage.

Star Health Gain Policy is an excellent option for any family that wants to protect their loved ones and take care of their health at the same time. Additionally, the Star Health Gain Insurance Policy is an excellent tax-saving tool. In addition, policyholders can choose from a variety of coverage options under the Star Health Gain Insurance Policy, which cover things like inpatient costs, daycare services, pre- and post-hospital care, medical checkups, and more. The Star Health Gain Insurance Policy provides a wide variety of options for the Sum Insured, such as Rs. Rs. 1 lakh 2 lakh rupees 3 lakh rupees 4 lakh and rupees 5 Lakh. In addition, both an individual and a family floater can take advantage of the Star Health Gain.

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Star Health Gain Insurance Plan

Star Health Gain Insurance Plan Details

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About Star Health Gain Health Insurance

The Star Health and Allied Insurance Co. Ltd.-powered medical insurance policy known as Star Health Gain was developed with the intention of providing individuals and their families with the very best medical treatments and procedures. The insurance plan gives customers complete freedom to select their Sum Insured (SI), premium payment amount, and family size. In short, a Star Health Gain insurance policy is ideal for every family because it takes care of their health and also saves money on taxes.

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Eligibility For Star Health Gain Insurance Plan

The Star Health Gain Insurance Policy meets the following eligibility requirements.

  • This policy is open to anyone between the ages of 5 months and 65.
  • Children under the age of 18 cannot be covered unless their parents are.
  • People who start the policy at the aforementioned age can choose to renew it for life.
  • Individual or family floater coverage options are available for this policy.
  • The coverage for family floaters is limited to oneself, one’s spouse, and any dependent children (under the age of 25).

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Sum Insured & Premium Charges Star Health Gain Insurance Plan

There are five different sum insured options for the Star Health Gain Insurance Policy: Rs. 1 lakh, Rs. 2 lakh, Rs. 3 lakh, Rs. 4 lakh, and Rs. 5 lakh. This policy’s premium remains the same regardless of the amount of coverage selected, the insured’s age, or the number of family members covered by the family floater.

OptionsPremium AmountSum Insured
Option 1Rs.15,000Rs.1 lakhRs.2 lakhRs.3 lakhRs.4 lakhRs.5 lakh
Option 2Rs.20,000
Option 3Rs.25,000
Option 4Rs.30,000

Features Of Star Health Gain Insurance Plan

The following are some key features of the Star Health Gain Insurance Policy:

  • For individuals over the age of 50, a medical examination is required prior to acceptance. The company is currently responsible for paying for this examination.
  • After 48 months of continuous coverage, all pre-existing conditions cannot be covered.
  • Medical expenses incurred prior to admission to the hospital are covered for up to 30 days.
  • Medical bills incurred after a hospital stay are also covered and paid in one lump sum.
  • Treatments both in and out of the hospital are covered.
  • During the renewal period, it is possible to increase the total amount insured.
  • After the expiration date, there is a grace period of thirty days for renewal.
  • Under Section 80D of the Income Tax Act, premium payments qualify for exemption from income tax.
  • If policyholders are dissatisfied with the terms, they have a 15-day free look period to return the policy.
  • This policy offers the option of portability. The company must be informed at least 45 days before the renewal date in order to transfer coverage to another insurer.

Benefits Of Star Health Gain Insurance Plan

The following is an estimate of the Star Health Gain Insurance Policy’s maximum coverage for outpatient treatment and hospitalization.

Room rent and boarding expensesClass A cities receive 2% of the insured sum, with a daily cap of Rs.4,000; Class B cities receive 1% of the insured sum, with a daily cap of Rs.3,000; and Other locations receive 1% of the insured sum, with a daily cap of Rs.1,000.
Medical expenses coveredMedical practitioner’s fee, consultant’s fee, anesthetist’s fee, blood, oxygen, drugs and medicines, pacemaker cost, diagnostic costs, and other similar costs
Emergency ambulance chargesUp to Rs.750 per hospitalization subject to a maximum of Rs.1,500 per policy period
Outpatient treatment coverUp to a certain amount, which is specified in the policy document, expenses are covered. Even for pre-existing diseases, dental conditions, prenatal and postpartum care, etc., treatment costs are covered. The amount that hasn’t been used can be carried over for up to one year.
No claim bonusAfter a year without a claim, you can save 10% on premium costs. Nevertheless, this discount cannot be combined.

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Exclusions From Star Health Gain Insurance Plan

There are sure avoidances under Star Wellbeing Gain Insurance Contract for which the organization isn’t responsible for any installment. These avoidances apply just for long term clinical treatment.

  • Any infections or diseases contracted inside the initial 30 days of beginning of the approach
  • Conditions like harmless prostatic hypertrophy, hydrocele, hernia, inborn interior illnesses, sinusitis, renal stone evacuation, and so on for the first year of the strategy
  • Conditions like waterfall, hysterectomy, knee substitution medical procedure, joint substitution medical procedure, varicose veins, and so on for the initial two years of ceaseless strategy inclusion
  • Purposeful self wounds or wounds caused during self destruction endeavor
  • Wounds brought about by war or warlike exercises
  • Wounds brought about by atomic weapons or radioactivity
  • A wide range of restorative and stylish medicines
  • Dental treatment or medical procedure of numerous types except if required by a mishap
  • Improvement, general weakness, or summary circumstances
  • Innate outside sicknesses, birth imperfections, and oddities
  • Treatment for HIV, venereal illnesses, or some other physically communicated infections
  • Wounds caused while affected by liquor or medications
  • Costs connected with treatment for pregnancy, labor, early termination, unnatural birth cycle, and so on.
  • Costs caused for weight control or weight the executives medicines
  • Treatment performed through frameworks of meds other than allopathy
  • Cost of clinical guides like contact focal point, displays, portable hearing assistants, braces, walkers, wheelchairs, counterfeit appendages, and so forth.

Claim Procedure Star Health Gain Insurance Plan

Guarantee methodology for Star Wellbeing Gain Insurance Contract is like the organization’s other protection items. Policyholders can contact the organization’s helpline whenever and demand data connected with their approaches. The guarantor should be told 24 hours before confirmation in the event of arranged hospitalization. During crisis hospitalization, the back up plan should be told in the span of 24 hours after confirmation in a clinic.

Credit only treatment can be profited in the’s organization emergency clinics. The safeguarded should give the strategy subtleties and personality confirmation to the medical clinic to benefit credit only therapy. Since there are no outsider overseers included, the case settlement process is immediate and bother free. For typical hospitalization asserts, the safeguarded should give every one of the records connected with the clinical costs caused. When these archives are approved by the organization, the settlement sum will be given to the safeguarded.

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