Republic Day Speech 2025: Republic Day is a public holiday in India that falls on 26 January each year. It is the national day to commemorate the adoption of the constitution of India on 26 January 1950. It has been observed since 1949, but it was officially designated as a national holiday in 2005.
Here I will give an English 150 Words Speech so that you can openly give a Speech in Hindi on Republic Day. Every School, Every Organization and other Field of the Indian Citizen Republic Day is seen with a loaded with happy and satisfaction particularly commended adorable in instructive on this auspicious occasion.
Republic Day Speech For Students (Boys & Girls), Kids, and Teachers in English. Here we are providing Speech on republic day 2025. How to write Republic day speech for school/college.
Republic Day Speech 2025
Republic Day is an important occasion in the life of the country and its citizens, who celebrate it every year on 26th January with lots of preparations. On Republic day, people all over India get together for celebrations that include a lot more than just fireworks and dance shows to honor their great nation’s 73rd anniversary as an independent republic in india.
All around the world people are watching this parade as it is going to be held at in india on 26th January 2025 (Republic day) It is called The Republic Day Parade of India.
We have provided speeches for the students on Republic Day, but they can choose which one they will read and then follow along with it during their performance of a play based upon that speech from.
What is Republic day?
The historic moment that changed the rule of India was when it became a democratic government system. The day was selected because it was also when the Declaration of Indian Independence “Purna Swaraj” was declared in 1930 by the Indian National Congress. Republic Day is a national holiday in India. Government officials, PM and the Chief Ministers of states have hosted flag hoisting to honor the country and its constitution makers on this day, which is called as “Republic Day”.
It is marked by many state and private functions, some of which are national in scale.The national flag is hoisted at all courts and other state buildings where the Union Flag or any State flags are flown.
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What is the constitution of India?
The Constitution of India is the supreme law of the land and establishes the framework for the government of India. It is a document that was drafted over a period of more than two years by a committee that was appointed by the then Indian Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru. The Constitution came into force on January 26, 1950.
The Constitution consists of Part I (which deals with fundamental rights), Part II (which deals with state institutions), and Part III (which deals with social and economic matters).
The Government of India has the power to amend or annul any part(s) of this Constitution. A special amendment process was established by the constitution for amending two parts—the fundamental rights and governance chapters-of Part III that deal with social, economic and political matters (social reform).
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26th January 2025 Speech
It is smarter to get prepared for the Republic day discourse before it starts. Then you will be ready with all the information about India’s political system, leaders and so on. On this Republic Day i.e Republic Day 2025 assuming you are intending to give a discourse then this will help so that your preparation gets done more efficiently and with greater effectiveness thereby making the delivery of your speech better. It contains 150 words and it’s very useful for those who are giving short speeches on this day of Republic Day or Independence Day of India.
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Republic Day Speech
Republic day is near and our country is preparing to celebrate the occasion on 26th January. This year, India will be celebrating the 73rd Republic day. India got its independence on 15th August 1947 and did not have its own constitution until 26th January 1950. All the schools and colleges across India are preparing to celebrate this national event this week by decorating their premises with flags and banners of Indian colours (green) to mark 26th January as Republic Day in India’s history.
A long speech on republic day of 500 words and a short speech on republic day of 300 words, 150 Words is given below.
Republic Day 2025 Speech For Kids
I would like to say good morning to our respected Principal, my teachers and colleagues. Today we are celebrating 73rd republic day of our nation. It was started celebrating since 1950, two and half years later to the Independence of India in 1947.
The Indian Constitution came into effect on the 26th of January 1950. It was a very important day for us in that it meant we were finally free from the British rule and become our own country again, but also as India became independent from English rule. India became a self-goyeming country when its constitution came into effect in 1950.
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Republic Day Speech For Students
Good morning to all my respected teachers, guardians, and dear friends.
First of all, I would like to thank you for giving me such a great opportunity to speak on Republic Day.
Within the last 64 years, since 15th August in 1947, democracy and freedom have flourished in India as well – that’s why we call this Independence Day (from British Rule).
However, since 1950 on 26 January we celebrate Republic Day.
The Constitution of India came into force on 26 January 1950, so we celebrate this day as Republic Day every year. In this year 2025, we are celebrating the 73rd Republic Day of India.
Every citizen living in this country should be given equal rights and no one can become the chief minister of that place unless they are elected by people as their leader or they get elected as Chief Minister. It is our right to choose the best prime minister or any other leader who can lead the country in a better direction.
Our leader should have enough skill to think like a country, not just his city or state. He should be able to make decisions that benefit all of the people in the country.
The great leaders and freedom fighters of our country are Mahatma Gandhi, Bhagat Singh, Chandrashekhar Azad, Lala Lajpat Rai, Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel , Lal Bahadur Shastri & Many more. These people worked hard to make India a free country from the colonial rule of Britain so we should always remember them for this great service they have given us as Indians. We should remember the people who have risked their lives so that we can think freely and live happily in our country.
Our first Indian President was Dr. Rajendra Prasad who said that “Under the jurisdiction of one Constitution and one Union, we have got together the entire part of this vast land which is the population of more than 320 crore men and women living here- Takes responsibility for welfare”.
It is a shame that we are fighting crime, corruption, and violence in our country. Everyone needs to work together to help people who can’t get out of the slavery they are facing right now
In order for us to make a change we need to understand the problems and try and fix them as well as helps others who are also in the same situation by sharing with each other how we solved it or what helped us out of that problem/solution which helped us on our journey to becoming an independent country. Thus, the day is a celebration and a time for unity in India as it had formally become one of the largest democratic republics in world history with its independence from British rule.
India was an ancient civilization that even survived under many wars; however when we look back at it now all these men come into mind like several prominent leaders such as Mahatma Gandhi, Indira Gandhi (the
first female prime minister of India) Lal Bahadur Shastri, Rajiv Gandhi (who was assassinated after leading the country for six years), Jawaharlal Nehru and many others.
Dr. Kalam has said that if a country can become corruption free and makes its people more intelligent it will make a significant difference in the world.
As citizens of India, we should think about things seriously and take them forward in our country as much as we can do so successfully through teamwork with other countries on achieving sustainable development goals for our nation’s future generations that meets.
My talk is over now; let’s end it by thanking everyone who was in the audience and making this successful event happen!
Jai Hind /Jai Bharat
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Republic Day 2025 Speech in 500 Words
Respected Principal, teachers, and my dear friends,
First of all, I would like to thank you for giving me such a great opportunity to speak on Republic Day. Today, we have gathered together to celebrate the 73rd Republic Day of our country today and this is an auspicious occasion for everyone and I am very happy about it!
We should congratulate each other for our hard work and the great things we have done for this country. In India, we celebrate republic day every year because the constitution of india came into force on this date.
We are celebrating Republic Day of India since the Constitution came into force in 1950 because it was ratified by all provinces and states on 26 January that year and became a reality for us.
The supreme power of the people living in a country is called “republic”. Only the people have this right to choose their representatives as political leaders to lead their country in the right direction. Therefore, India is a republic country where the people choose their leader as the Prime Minister.
Our heroes in India fought for freedom and that is why we enjoy freedom today. They sacrificed their lives to give us our present day country.
India is a democratic country where the people choose their leader to lead them. Dr Rajendra Prasad was the first president of India. Ever since we got independence from British rule in 1947, our country has developed a lot and is counted among the most powerful countries.
The development of technology has made life easier for many people and it can bring problems too such as inequality, poverty, unemployment and corruption. To make our country the best country in the world, we need to take a pledge today to solve such problems in society.
And now, I am going to end my speech with these words: Thank you so much for listening.
Jay Hind Jay Bharat
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Republic Day 2025 Short Speech in 150 Words
Good Morning, Everyone,
Respected Principal, teachers, my dear & near brothers and sisters, and my dear friends.
We are celebrating India’s 73rd birthday as a republic today, and a day of unity among people from different parts of India and around the world who care about her future well-being in this great land called INDIA!
The Constitution is a document that describes how the government of India works and what its responsibilities are to citizens in their daily lives as well as how good governments should work together with other countries to make sure they have
This day is commended as the public celebration of India, especially for people from different castes and religions who want to live together in a just society where all can be treated equally under law.
Our constitution is the longest in the world and it’s about freedom for us people. If we lose our freedom, this may not be possible to read these days because of what happened in those countries that are no longer free from dictatorships and political oppression by other governments or rebels groups. So we always should be thankful for them, especially at times like these when conflicts come up again.
India is the largest democratic country in the world and I am proud to be an Indian national. This is all I can say:-
Bharat Mata Ki Jai, Bharat Mata Ki Jai, Bharat Mata Ki Jai …
Jay Hind. Jai Bharat
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This is the Republic Day Speech in English 150 Words. You must consider this speech if you are a student from all classes and want to search for republic day speech in English 150 words.
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Republic Day Speech for Teacher in english
It is a very important day on which we will celebrate the birth of our nation. The significance of this day for us, as well as teachers too, is a bit more than that; it marks the beginning of their careers and also an opportunity to learn many things about themselves and others through their interactions with children during this occasion.
On this day, there are various cultural programs organized at schools that have a goal of informing children about their countries and teaching them more on the importance of democracy in society.
The Republic day event in a school needs to be delivered with great oratory skills and some political leaders deliver speeches on this occasion, which are impressive and informative for the people of the country about what has happened so far over many years so as to motivate them for their future endeavors during those years. It is expected that teachers will make an appropriate speech on 26th January.
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26th January 2025 Speech for Teachers
First of all, I would like to say thanks to the guest who came here and sat next to me despite having a busy schedule. I would like to say thanks to the principal, my colleagues and all those who participated in today’s program. Today is the Republic Day of India where we celebrate how our constitution was made and how it works for us today as well as tomorrow too! The constitution is like a religion in many countries, but they all treat them with the same importance as their own religious books do.
Like our religion, the constitution also tells us what is right for citizens of India to follow and not all actions that people think might be bad like tax avoidance or killing animals etc..It is not hard to understand the rules and regulations in schools because they are similar to those of the country.
Our constitution gives us rights and responsibilities too as both are part of our culture. It is important to take up the role of a citizen first before having any rights or privileges in that country. People are capable of getting an education, but they also carry responsibilities when they go to school or work in the workplace because their job depends on what happens at that place.
Many people play a prominent role in the constitution of India. Dr. B R Ambedkar was chairman of the constitutional committee that wrote India’s constitution, which is now India’s national law and lawmakers are elected by popular vote for five-year terms. You can see how important leaders are in making decisions on what will happen with those who live under their laws or rules they write up. Seven men are sometimes linked with
India’s constitution these were Lord Mountbatten (leader of the Britishers), Dr Ambedkar, Jan Sangh founder Vishnubha Desai and Benegal Raghunath Reddy who was also a member of Parliament at that time all three helped draft India’s Constitution after winning in the Indian elections in 1951 which started up down under to unite more Indiansafter living separately for so long by caste.
One of the amazing things about India’s constitution is that it states that everyone should be treated equally and not ruled over by one person or institution. This sets a good example for other countries around the world.
We celebrate our freedom because we believe in equality and liberty for all of us. That’s why we’re proud of being a republic country, not just in India but also abroad too.
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How to give good speech in school?
There are a few things that you can do to give good speeches in school.
First, make sure that you have practiced your speech many times so that you know what to say and how to say it.
Second, be prepared to answer any questions that the teacher may have. You should also be prepared to answer any objections or criticisms that your classmates may have.
Finally, be confident and express yourself well. If you can do all of these things, then you will be able to give a great speech in school.
FAQs Related to Republic Day
Why is Republic Day celebrated in India?
Republic Day is celebrated in India to commemorate the day on which the Constitution of India was adopted on January 26, 1950. The document provides for a federal form of government with a president as the head of state and a unicameral legislature.
Who gives Republic Day Speech in India?
The Republic Day Speech is given by the President of India on the occasion.
Where to Republic Day Speech Download PDf file?
The best place to download the Republic Day Speech is from the website of the Indian Ministry of External Affairs. You can also download it from the website of the Prime Minister's Office. You can also download it from our website.
What is the importance of Republic Day?
Republic Day is an important day in the history of India. It is celebrated every year on January 26th to commemorate the birthday of the country's first president, Dr. Rajendra Prasad. Dr. Rajendra Prasad was a visionary leader who helped shape modern India and its Constitution. On this day, we celebrate his memory and all that he has done for our country. Republic Day is also a time to remember all those who have fought for our freedom and democracy over the years. We honor their sacrifices by celebrating with parades and ceremonies throughout the country.
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Republic Day Speech 2022 in English PDF For Kids, Students, Teachers Download is a great article. I really enjoyed reading it.