Rajasthan Chiranjivi Jivan Raksha Yojana राजस्थान चिरंजीवी जीवन रक्षा योजना Features

Rajasthan Chiranjivi Jivan Raksha Yojana – The Rajasthan government has taken a big initiative to save the lives of the injured by launching ‘Mukhyamantri Chiranjeevi Jeevan Raksha Yojana’. Under this scheme, the state government will honor those who take the injured to the hospital at the earliest with five thousand rupees and a citation. Under this scheme, neither the police will interrogate the helper of the injured nor the hospital will ask for money before admitting the injured. Usually, people shy away from helping the injured because the police interrogate them and are asked to deposit money before they are taken to the hospital.

Rajasthan Chiranjivi Jivan Raksha Yojana

In such a situation, other passers-by cross the shore and pass away and the injured die due to not getting timely treatment. It has been clarified in the scheme that the helper of the injured will get the incentive amount only if the condition of the injured person in the accident is critical. Only those who help a person with a simple injury will get a citation. Government ambulances, employees of private ambulances, PCR vans, and police personnel on duty, and close relatives of the injured person will also not be given reward money under the scheme.Rajasthan Chiranjivi Jivan Raksha Yojana

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To get the incentive amount, the helpful person will have to give full information about himself and the incident to the Emergency Security Officer (CMO) of the hospital. There the person has to give his name, address, mobile number, and bank account number. It will be decided only on the report of the CMO whether the injured person who has brought him was seriously injured or not and whether he needed immediate treatment or not? Hundreds of people die and a large number are injured daily in road accidents across the country.

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Rajasthan Chiranjivi Jivan Raksha Yojana 2022 – Overview

Scheme NameMukhyamantri Chiranjivi Jivan Raksha Yojana
Who startedGovernment of Rajasthan
BeneficiaryEveryone Who Helps
PurposeHelping The Injured In Road Accidents
WebsiteLaunching Soon
CategoryGovt Scheme
Status of SchemeActivate Now

राजस्थान चिरंजीवी जीवन रक्षा योजना का उद्देश्य

राजस्थान में रोजाना सड़क हादसों में कई लोग घायल होते हैं। घायलों की मदद के लिए लोग आगे आने से कतराते हैं। सभी को पुलिस और सरकारी एंबुलेंस का इंतजार है। इस कारण समय पर इलाज न मिलने से घायलों की भी जान चली जाती है. ऐसे में राजस्थान सरकार ने एक नई योजना शुरू की है। इस योजना के तहत घायलों को अस्पताल पहुंचाने वाले लोगों को सरकार जल्द से जल्द 5000 रुपये और प्रशस्ति पत्र देकर सम्मानित करेगी। मुख्यमंत्री अशोक गहलोत ने मुख्यमंत्री चिरंजीवी जीवन रक्षा योजना शुरू की है। इस योजना के तहत पुलिस घायल व्यक्ति की मदद करने वाले से पूछताछ नहीं कर सकेगी। साथ ही अस्पताल में घायल व्यक्ति के इलाज में मदद करने वाले व्यक्ति से भी कोई पैसा नहीं लिया जाएगा. इस योजना के तहत दुर्घटना में घायल व्यक्ति की स्थिति गंभीर होने पर ही इनामी राशि दी जाएगी।

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केवल वही व्यक्ति जो सामान्य चोट वाले व्यक्ति की मदद करता है, उसे प्रशस्ति पत्र से सम्मानित किया जाएगा। इस योजना के तहत सरकारी एम्बुलेंस, निजी एम्बुलेंस स्टाफ, पीसीआर वैन, ड्यूटी पर तैनात पुलिस कर्मियों और घायल व्यक्ति के परिजनों को इनाम की राशि नहीं दी जाएगी. अगर घायल व्यक्ति की मदद करने वाला व्यक्ति इस योजना के तहत इनामी राशि लेने का इच्छुक है तो उसे अस्पताल में तैनात कैजुअल्टी मेडिकल ऑफिसर (सीएमओ) को अपनी पूरी जानकारी देनी होगी. वहां उस व्यक्ति को अपना नाम, पता, मोबाइल नंबर और बैंक अकाउंट नंबर देना होगा। सीएमओ की रिपोर्ट पर यह तय होगा कि व्यक्ति गंभीर रूप से घायल हुआ या नहीं और उसे तत्काल इलाज की जरूरत है या नहीं? सीएमओ रिपोर्ट तैयार कर निदेशक (लोक स्वास्थ्य) को भेजेंगे, इस आधार पर पुरस्कार दिया जाएगा।


  • The seriously injured persons will get proper treatment in road accidents in the state.
  • The person who is taken to the government or private hospital of the state will get the benefit of this scheme.
  • The police will not be able to interrogate the person helping the injured person.
  • No money will take from the person helping for the treatment of the injured person in the hospital.
  • Under this, a reward of Rs 5000 will give to the person who takes the seriously injured person to the hospital in the shortest time in road accidents in the state.
  • Under this scheme, the reward amount will be available only in the case when the condition of the person injured in the accident is critical.
  • The one who helps a person with a common injury will award a citation only.
  • Government ambulance, private ambulance staff, PCR van, and police personnel on duty, and the relatives of the injured person will not be given reward money under this scheme.
  • If the person helping the injured person is willing to take the reward amount under this scheme, then he will have to give his complete information to the Casualty Medical Officer (CMO) posted in the hospital.

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How to Get Award from Mukhyamantri Chiranjivi Jivan Raksha Scheme 2022

If the person helping the injured person is willing to take the reward amount under this scheme, then he will have to give his complete information to the Casualty Medical Officer (CMO) posted in the hospital. There that person has to give his name, address, mobile number, and bank account number. It will decide on the report of the CMO whether the person was seriously injured or not and whether he needed immediate treatment or not? The CMO will prepare the report and send it to the Director (Public Health), on this basis the award will give.

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