Matto ki Saikal Release Date 2025, Story, Star Cast, when Will Be Release?

Matto ki Saikal Release Date 2025: The film is a up to the minute one, but many condition, incidents, & people are drawn from my life, adds the Helmed. Shot in Mathura in Uttar Pradesh, ‘Matto ki Saikal’ movie is set to arrived in Cinemas on September 16th 2025, and will be distributed by PVR Pictures.

Matto ki Saikal Release Date 2025

The movie stars Prakash Jha, Anita Choudhary, & Aarohi Sharma among others. Helmed by M. Gani & produced by debutant producer Sudhirbhai Mishra. Matto Ki Saikal movie to have its world premiere at 25th Busan International picture Festival 2020 in South Korea held on 21st, 30th Oct 2020. The most important asset of him is a bicycle that is slowly worn out after riding for 2 person. One day, an incident occurs in which the bicycle is cracked so badly that it can no longer be used.

Matto ki Saikal Movie Information

Movie NameMatto Ki Saikal
Streaming PartnerTBA
Release Date16th December 2025
DirectorM. Gani
Article CategoryEntertainment
Starring (Cast)Anita Choudhary

Dimpy Mishra

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Manoj Sharma

Prakash Jha

Aarohi sharma


Pulkit Philip


Story Line

Matto Ki Saikal picture is a Hindi Feature Film starring Prakash Jha , Anita Choudhary , Aarohi Sharma &  many. The movie is Helmed by M.Gani , & produced by Sudhirbhai Mishra, . This is an coming soon picture & is set to announce on in Cinemas. Matto Ki Saikal film is a drama starring Prakash Jha in the main role Story let out around the story of a family’s fight to buy a new bicycle & how their lives self depend on it.
The movie stars Prakash Jha, Anita Choudhary, & Aarohi Sharma among others. Helmed by M. Gani & produced by debutant producer Sudhirbhai Mishra. Matto Ki Saikal movie to have its world premiere at 25th Busan International picture Festival 2020 in South Korea held on 21st, 30th Oct 2020.
A far remote rural village with green fields. As Matto is in charge for the livelihood of his wife & 2 young daughters, he daily takes a long distance journey to the city to work as a raising labor. The most important asset of him is a bicycle that is slowly worn out after riding for 2 person. One day, an incident occurs in which the bicycle is cracked so badly that it can no longer be used. It could be a minor problem to someone, but it leaves an irreparable wound to his situation. Will he be able to come back to the life of feeling the little happiness of day to day life again.
Matto Ki saikal

Star Cast

Anita Choudhary

Dimpy Mishra

Manoj Sharma

Prakash Jha

Aarohi sharma

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Matto ki Saikal Official Trailer

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About the Movie

Matto Pal is a Beldar from a village near by Mathura. A daily wage forming labourer whose life is synonymous with his 20 year old bicycle. He & his family of his ailing wife, a teenage & another secondary school dropout daughters turn on it. Matto fight to keep his bicycle in working condition to be able to reach his workplace on time. Getting late for work & loosing on the pay is not an option. Matto ki Saikal movie is the story of how he & his family work out the simple pleasures of life. Will their lives change when finally, Matto feel his dream of buying a new bicycle.


A far remote rural village with green fields. As Matto is in charge for the livelihood of his wife & 2 young daughters, he daily takes a long distance journey to the city to work as a raising labor. The most important asset of him is a bicycle that is slowly worn out after riding for 2 person. One day, an incident occurs in which the bicycle is cracked so badly that it can no longer be used. It could be a minor problem to someone, but it leaves an irreparable wound to his situation. Will he be able to come back to the life of feeling the little happiness of day to day life again.


It looks like we do not have a Synopsis for this title yet.Be the 1st to contribute! Just click the Edit page button at the Base of the page or read more in the Synopsis Submission guide. Mattoo Ki Saikal movie is a 2025 Bollywood drama picture, Helmed by M Gani. The film Mattoo Ki Saikal Actors Anita Choudhary, Prakash Jha, Dimpy Mishra, Aarohi Sharma & Aarohi Sharma in the main roles.

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