Low Blood Pressure Hypotension Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

Low Blood Pressure Hypotension- A condition known as hypotension or low blood pressure is characterized by an abrupt drop in the pressure of the blood flowing through your arteries. This might make it hard for the blood to get to the tissues, which could make them starve. Hypotension is the medical term for a blood pressure reading of less than 90/60 mm Hg. Systolic blood pressure, or the pressure of blood in the arteries when the heart beats, is the upper reading.

Diastolic blood pressure, or the pressure in the arteries when the heart is at rest between beats, is the lower reading. A blood pressure of 120/80 mm Hg is the ideal level. If there are no symptoms, low blood pressure is not a dangerous condition. However, if symptoms are present, it may result in drowsiness or even unconsciousness. Low blood pressure can be brought on by a variety of factors, including dehydration, certain medications, and long-term use of those medications.

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Low Blood Pressure Hypotension

A condition known as low blood pressure occurs when the low blood pressure in your arteries drops below the recommended level. Sometimes, a level of pressure that is low for some people may be normal for others. Dizziness, lightheadedness, and even fainting episodes can result from hypotension. However, because it is not serious, it doesn’t need to be treated right away. However, chronic low blood pressure can be a sign of other underlying conditions.

People who are rising from a low position frequently experience sudden drops in blood pressure, and this is completely normal. However, there may be an underlying condition that necessitates immediate medical attention if there are sudden drops in blood pressure with no explanation. You can learn everything there is to know about low blood pressure, including its types, symptoms, causes, diagnosis, treatment, and ways to prevent it.

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Types of Low Blood Pressure

The following categories have been used to describe low blood pressure:

  • The type of low blood pressure that occurs most frequently is orthostatic hypotension. When someone suddenly gets up from a low lying position, it is seen. Although you might feel dizzy or lightheaded, this is not a dangerous situation.
  • Neurally Mediated Hypotension is a condition that occurs when a person stands for an extended period of time. It typically affects adolescents and young children. It can occur when your heart and brain misunderstand each other, resulting in decreased blood flow to your brain and other parts.
  • Postprandial Hypotension is a drop in blood pressure that occurs one to two hours after eating. This typically occurs in Parkinson’s disease patients and the elderly. It is possible to alleviate its symptoms by avoiding alcohol, consuming a lot of water, and eating carbohydrates in moderation.
  • Shock: Any kind of physical or mental shock can precipitate a sharp drop in blood pressure, which can result in extremely low blood pressure. Because of the disruption in the blood supply to the brain, this can result in unconsciousness.

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Symptoms of Low Blood Pressure

Numerous symptoms of low blood pressure may appear common and be easily overlooked. Low blood pressure may not even be accompanied by symptoms, and the patient may continue to function normally. The following symptoms may be experienced by the patients:

  • Blurred Vision and Dizziness
  • Fainting episodes
  • Fatigue
  • Shortness of Breath
  • Difficulty in Concentration
  • Nausea or Vomiting
  • Feeling Weak
  • Agitation and Irritation
  • Extreme Sweating leading to cold and Clammy skin
  • Depression caused by prolonged Low Blood Pressure
  • Lethargy or Malaise, an overall feeling of unwellness

Causes of Low Blood Pressure

Blood Pressure varies throughout the day depending on the following conditions-

  • Position of the Body
  • Respiration rate
  • Food and drink
  • Alcohol
  • Medication taken by the person
  • Psychological Stress
  • Time of the Day
  • Age of the person

Your blood pressure may fluctuate as a result of these factors, but these fluctuations do not affect the body’s normal function.

Cause Low Blood Pressure Which Gan Affect The Normal Functioning of the Person.

  1. The most common cause of low blood pressure is pregnancy. The mother’s arteries may experience a decrease in blood pressure as the growing fetus requires more blood. After the baby is born, low blood pressure in this condition typically returns to normal.
  2. Endocrine Conditions: Conditions that alter hormone levels in the body, such as Addison’s disease, can also cause low blood pressure. A drop in the patient’s blood pressure is also linked to other conditions like diabetes.
  3. One of the most common causes of low blood pressure is dehydration. Dehydration over a long period of time can disrupt normal bodily functions and, as a result, lower blood pressure in the arteries.
  4. Heart or valve disorders: Low blood pressure can result from problems with the heart’s rhythm or one or more of its valves. Because it won’t be able to effectively pump blood into the person’s arteries, the body won’t be able to meet its needs.
  5. Blood Loss: A traumatic injury that results in excessive blood loss can cause low blood pressure because the body will not have enough blood to meet its nutritional needs.
  6. Septicemia, a severe and persistent infection, has the potential to enter the bloodstream and cause alarmingly low blood pressure. The patient may die from this condition.
  7. A severe allergic reaction of the body to a foreign substance is called anaphylaxis. This can result in such low blood pressure, which can starve the brain of nutrients and cause death.

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Diagnosis of Low Blood Pressure

  • A patient’s hypotension can be easily diagnosed. Simply taking your blood pressure at any time throughout the day will allow your doctor to diagnose hypotension. However, it can be challenging and require a number of tests to determine the cause of hypotension. The following is a list of some important diagnostic tests.
  • Blood tests: Your doctor can use blood tests to find out if your low blood pressure is caused by an infection or by hormones. It can also help your doctor determine if you have diabetes, are pregnant, or have anemia.
  • Imaging: If your doctor believes you have a heart or lung condition, they may recommend X-rays, CT scans, or an MRI to determine your condition.
    Other Specific Tests: In order to pinpoint the exact cause of your low blood pressure, your doctor may order additional diagnostic tests.
  • Electrocardiogram (ECG): Your doctor may conduct an ECG to obtain a reading of your heartbeat. This will be helpful in determining your heartbeat’s rhythm.
  • Tolerance Test for Exercise (ETT): Your doctor may perform an Exercise Tolerance Test (ETT) to determine whether or not your lungs and heart are functioning properly. It can also assist in the diagnosis of heart attacks.
  • Tilt Table: The patient will be fastened to a tilt table, which will be slowly tilted at various angles to see how the body reacts to the new positions.

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Treatment of Low Blood Pressure

In order to treat low blood pressure, more lifestyle changes and fewer medications are used. The treatment options for low blood pressure are listed below.

  • Wear Compression Stockings: You can keep your legs’ blood pressure in check by wearing elastic compression stockings that go all the way up to your calf. Low blood pressure and blood flow to the heart may both benefit from this.
  • Prevent low blood pressure by taking medication for underlying conditions. If you have diabetes or a hormonal disorder, you should take your medication on time and on a regular basis.
  • Medication to raise your blood pressure: If your blood pressure doesn’t go down, your doctor may tell you to take some medicine to raise it. Take these medications with caution to ensure that your blood pressure does not rise to alarming levels.

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Prevention of Low Blood Pressure

Changing one’s lifestyle can easily prevent low blood pressure. Your condition and the length of time you have had low blood pressure will both play a role in these shifts.

  • Maintain a healthy electrolyte balance by drinking plenty of water throughout the day to stay hydrated. Because fluids increase the volume of the blood, the blood pressure returns to normal.
  • Add more salt to your food: Increasing the amount of salt you eat can lower your blood pressure. However, avoid eating salt in excess because it can cause heart problems and even heart failure.
  • Take your medication for high blood pressure with care. Take your medication with care because taking too much of it can cause high blood pressure to come on. A patient who has high blood pressure for an extended period of time may experience hemorrhages, a stroke, or even a heart attack.
  • Slowly Get Up: Orthostatic hypotension can result from abruptly getting up from a lying position. People who experience sudden changes in position are more likely to experience low blood pressure. The individual may also experience lightheadedness, dizziness, and, in extreme cases, fainting as a result of this.
  • Avoid alcohol because it works to depress nerve cells and is a depressant of the central nervous system. When you drink too much alcohol, your nervous system can become so depressed that it can disrupt the rhythm of your heart. The onset of low blood pressure may result from this.
  • Avoid taking long, hot showers. Taking long, hot showers can make you feel dizzy and even make you faint. A stool or chair should be kept in your bathroom to prevent falls-related injuries.

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