Kotak Mahindra Health Plan Benefits, Features, Buy & Renews

Kotak Mahindra Health Plan- It’s a safety net that keeps your savings safe in the event of a medical emergency. Medical costs are at an all-time high as a result of rising inflation, so having health insurance is essential to manage these exorbitant costs. Kotak Mahindra health insurance comes in handy in this situation to cover you! You can add four adults and four children together to health insurance through Kotak Mahindra Insurance if you want to cover each member of your family separately. A family floater plan lets you cover two adults and three children with a single premium. In addition, this policy comes with additional benefits in addition to the basic one, and the premiums paid are exempt from taxation.

Kotak Mahindra Health Plan (KMHP) is an insurance company in India. It offers both health insurance products and healthcare services. The company has operations in eight states in India. KMHP is a joint venture between Kotak Mahindra Bank and the Sinquefield family’s Principal Health Plans. Kotak Mahindra Health Plan is one of the most popular and well-recognized health insurance companies in India. It provides comprehensive health insurance coverage to employees of its subsidiaries, as well as their family members. This includes medical, dental, and vision insurance, as well as a host of other benefits.

Kotak Mahindra Health Plan

Cost of medical services has risen fundamentally lately because of clinical expansion. As a result, if you go to the hospital unintentionally, it could cost you a lot of money and throw off your financial planning. Kotak Health Premier is a comprehensive health insurance product created with this in mind by Kotak Mahindra General Insurance Company Ltd. In addition to covering costs associated with consultations, medical tests, ambulance rides, and hospital stays, it also rewards you for maintaining healthy habits like regular exercise and preventative care. Kotak Mahindra health care coverage safeguards you against rising federal medical insurance costs while likewise keeping your relatives got against different sicknesses. It provides plans for individuals, whole families covered by a single policy, and multiple members with separate sums insured.

Are you looking for a comprehensive healthcare plan that provides you with the best possible care? If so, you need to check out the Kotak Mahindra Health Plan! This plan offers you access to a wide range of medical services and treatments, as well as 24/7 emergency care. Plus, it’s back by a team of experience professionals who will help you navigate the benefits and pitfalls of healthcare coverage. Are you ready to take your healthcare to the next level? Contact the Kotak Mahindra Health Plan today to learn more about how it can benefit you!

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Kotak Mahindra Health Plan

Kotak Mahindra Health Plan Details

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Key features of Kotak health insurance plans

Looking for a health insurance plan that covers all your needs? Look no further than Kotak health insurance plans! These plan offer comprehensive coverage for both medical expense and insurance premium, so you can rest assure that you’re taken care of no matter what. In addition to providing coverage for medical expenses, Kotak health insurance plans also offer maternity leave benefits, disability benefits, and much more. So if you’re looking for a health insurance plan that covers all your bases, look no further than Kotak health insurance plans!

Individual, family floater, and group health insurance plan are offer by Kotak.

  • Kotak health insurance plans offer lifelong renewability if the plan is renewe on time.
  • Claims are handle internally by the company so that you can get a quick settlement of your claims.
  • You can choose from a variety of indemnity-oriented health insurance plans as well as fixed benefit health insurance plans.

Why choose Kotak health insurance?

Here are a few advantages of Kotak health care coverage plans which go with them an optimal decision for your health care coverage prerequisites –

  • The organization offers redid items which suit the inclusion prerequisites of each and every person
  • Kotak keeps the client at the very front and offers client amicable administrations
  • Computerize applications and innovation is apply to the handling of cases which makes guarantee settlement speedy and simple
  • The organization has tie-ups with most driving clinics in the nation so you can benefit credit only case settlements. The organization has an organization of in excess of 4000 credit only clinics

Health insurance plans offered by Kotak Mahindra General Insurance Company

If you’re looking for health insurance plans that offer good value for money, you’ll want to check out the plans offered by Kotak Mahindra General Insurance Company. This leading Indian insurance company offers a wide range of health insurance plan that are design to meet the need of both individual and family consumers. Whether you’re looking for comprehensive coverage or a plan that’s tailor to your specific needs, Kotak Mahindra General Insurance Company has got you cover. So why wait? Get start today and see just how good their health insurance plans are!

Here is a list of Kotak health insurance plans –

Kotak Secure Shield Policy

Kotak Secure Safeguard is a proper advantage plan which covers basic sicknesses as well as incidental possibilities. The arrangement has different other inbuilt as well as discretionary inclusion benefits which give the arrangement a complete extension. The elements of the arrangement are as per the following –

  • 18 sorts of basic sicknesse and surgeries are cover under the arrangement
  • Incidental passings, as well as long-lasting and complete handicap experience because of a mishap, are cover under the arrangement
  • There is likewise inclusion for kid training benefit wherein a single amount benefit is paid in the event of unintentional passing or handicap so the kid’s schooling doesn’t endure
  • In the event that you have benefit of a credit and you are salary, inclusion is likewise consider cutback of employment

Eligibility conditions of Kotak Secure Shield Policy

Entry age18 years to 65 years
Term of the plan1 year to 3 years

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Kotak Health Premier Plan

This is an extensive health care coverage plan which covers the real clinical costs that are cause on hospitalization. The highlights of the arrangement are as per the following –

  • Assuming that the aggregate guarantee is spent in paying a prior guarantee, the strategy reestablish the total protect by 100 percent for ensuing case
  • You can profit a second clinical assessment liberated from cost from the organization’s empaneled clinical specialists
  • In the event that hospitalization surpasses 3 consistent days, you likewise get an everyday stipend each day of hospitalization
  • A single amount recovery benefit is paid in the event that you are hospitalize for over 10 days
  • Inclusion for home nursing benefit is accessible after you are release from the emergency clinic
  • Maternity and infant cover are likewise cover under the arrangement
  • There are riders accessible under the strategy to cover basic ailments or unintentional possibilities
  • You get a scope of wellbeing and wellness benefits under the cover
  • Premium limits are additionally accessible which help in bringing down the charges

Eligibility conditions of Kotak Health Premier Plan

Entry ageAdults – 18 years to 65 years

Children – 91 days to 25 years

Term of the plan1 year to 3 years
Pre-entrance health check-upsDepends on the age and sum insured selected
Sum insuredDepends on the plan option selected
No claim bonus10% increase in the sum insured up to 50% or 100% of the original depending on the plan variant selected

Kotak Health Care Plan

This is a health care coverage plan which covers your clinical costs on hospitalization and comes in two inclusion variations. The notable highlights of the arrangement are as per the following –

  • There are two arrangement variations call Succee and Premium
  • Yearly wellbeing check-ups are permit under the arrangement liberate from cost
  • There are five kinds of discretionary additional items which you can look over to redo the inclusion and make it more extensive
  • You get a top notch markdown in the event that you pick a drawn out inclusion

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Eligibility conditions of Kotak Health Care Plan

Entry age5 years to 65 years
Term of the plan1 year to 3 years
Sum insuredINR 2 lakhs to INR 25 lakhs
Pre-entrance health check-upsNot required until 36 years of age
Pre-existing waiting period4 years

Kotak Accident Care Plan

  • This is an individual mishap insurance contract which covers the possibilities which are experience in a mishap. The striking highlights of the arrangement are as per the following –
  • The inclusion is separate into two unique segments of An and B
  • Segment A covers incidental passing, long-lasting aggregate and incomplete disablement and impermanent complete disablement
  • Area B covers other mishap related crises. The inclusion is consider everyday money benefit in the event of hospitalization following a mishap, repayment of hospitalization mishap and a
  • single amount recovery benefit on the off chance that your hospitalization surpasses 10 days
  • There is a scope of discretionary inclusion benefit which can be taken under the arrangement by paying an extra premium. These advantages are carriage of a dead body, disablement
  • improvement benefit, youngsters’ schooling award, rescue vehicle charges and memorial service costs
  • A week by week benefit is paid if there should be an occurrence of impermanent complete disablement

Eligibility conditions of Kotak Accident Care Plan

Entry age5 years to 65 years
Term of the plan1 year to 3 years

Kotak Health Super Top-up Plan

This is a very top-up health care coverage plan which pays the clinical costs on the off chance that they surpass the deductible. While purchasing the arrangement you need to pick a total protected and a deductible cutoff. From there on, in a strategy year, in the event that the total cases surpass the picked deductible cutoff, the arrangement would be viable and it would pay the cases which surpass the deductible. The highlights of the arrangement are as per the following –

Assuming you have existing inclusion, you can purchase this strategy to build the aggregate safeguarded at entirely reasonable expenses

  • The arrangement is accessible on a floater premise covering your entire family under a solitary total guaranteed
  • The aggregate safeguard is reestablish assuming that it is deplet in any approach year
  • In the event of coincidental hospitalization, you get cover for twofold the aggregate protect
  • There are different arrangement variations with an alternate blend of the total guarantee and deductible
  • You likewise get a no case reward in the event that no cases are made in the strategy

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Eligibility conditions of Kotak Health Super Top-up Plan

Term of the plan1 year to 3 years
No claim bonus10% increase in the sum insured up to a maximum of 50%

What is cover under Kotak Health Insurance plans?

The real inclusion highlights of Kotak medical coverage plans rely upon the sort of strategy and the approach variation that you are purchasing. In any case, all repayment arranged health care coverage plans, which cover the genuine clinical expenses, have some normal inclusion highlights. These highlights are as per the following –

Pre-hospitalization costs

Under this head, the costs which pave the way to the hospitalization of the safeguard part are cover. These costs can be costs cause on demonstrative tests, specialist’s conferences, medications, and so forth. Pre hospitalization costs are conceal for to a predetermine number of days before hospitalization.

Ongoing hospitalization costs

This head covers the essential lump of clinical costs which are brought about when you are a protect part is hospitaliz and go through medicines. Ongoing hospitalization costs are conceal to the aggregate safeguard. The various sorts of costs which are covered under this head incorporate room lease, ICU charges, specialist’s expenses, specialist’s charges, activity theater charges, costs caused on blood, oxygen, drugs, sedation, and so forth.

Post hospitalization costs

Under this head, the costs brought about after you are release from the emergency clinic are cover. These costs are cause on the recuperation and observing of your wellbeing. Post hospitalization costs are likewise conceal for to a predetermined term which is reference in the strategy.

Childcare systems

There are various systems which don’t need hospitalization for at least 24 hours due to the headway of clinical medicines. Such systems are call childcare strategies and they are cover under Kotak health care coverage plans up to the aggregate safeguard that you have chosen

Organ benefactor costs

In the event that you are going through an organ relocate a medical procedure, the costs caused in gathering the organ from a contributor are covered under this head. These costs are likewise concealed to the aggregate safeguarded.

Emergency vehicle costs

On the off chance that you are shipped to a clinic utilizing a rescue vehicle, the expense of recruiting the emergency vehicle is covered under Kotak medical coverage plans. This cost is concealed to a particular cutoff each strategy year.

Domiciliary medicines

Most health care coverage plans presented by Kotak additionally cover medicines which are taken at the protector’s home in the event that the safeguarded can’t be moved to the emergency clinic or on the other hand assuming there are no empty medical clinic beds. Such home medicines are called domiciliary medicines and they are concealed to a predefined limit or up to the total guaranteed relying upon the arrangement.

AYUSH medicines

AYUSH medicines are medicines taken utilizing Ayurveda, Unani, Siddha or Homeopathy procedure. Such medicines are covered under some health care coverage plan present by the organization.

Maternity cover

This cover is accessible under unambiguous Kotak health care coverage plans. Under this cover, the expense of labor and pregnancy is covered. Inclusion is permitted up as far as possible and it would be accessible after a predetermined holding up period.

Free wellbeing check-ups

Kotak health care coverage designs additionally permit free wellbeing check-ups for grown-up guaranteed individuals. These check-ups are typically permitted consistently so you can screen your wellbeing and do whatever it may take to lead a sound way of life.

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Exclusions under Kotak health insurance plans

There are sure occasions in which Kotak medical coverage plans don’t pay a case. These occurrences are called plan avoidances and they incorporate different medicines and hospitalizations because of indicated causes. A couple of normal rejections are as per the following –

  • Previous ailments are prohibited from the extent of inclusion for the initial not many arrangement years
  • Any disease happening inside 30 or 60 days of purchasing the strategy
  • Corrective therapies or therapies which are not medicinally important
  • Problematic or exploratory medicines
  • Circumcision, dental medicines, OPD costs, and so forth.
  • Maternity medicines except if they are cover under the arrangement
  • Diseases or wounds experienced because of war or related dangers or atomic dangers
  • Sicknesses or wounds because of liquor compulsion, chronic drug use, cooperation in unsafe games and exercises, support in criminal demonstrations, and so forth.
  • Self-caused or purposeful wounds

How to buy Kotak health insurance plans?

Kotak Mahindra General Insurance Agency permits you an innovatively progressed stage through which you can purchase its health care coverage plans on the web. Most Kotak health care coverage plans are accessible for buy on the web. You can visit website and decide to purchase any of its arrangement on the web. Simply pick ‘Medical coverage’ and continue to give the expected data. The data required would be as per the following –

  • Kind of strategy that you need to purchase – individual or family floater
  • The individuals who are to be cover under the arrangement
  • Date of birth of the protected individuals
  • The inclusion sum that you really want
  • Your contact subtleties, city and state

In view of the subtletie which you enter, the exceptional would be determine and the arrangement choices accessible would be shown. can think about and pick the arrangement choice for yourself. You can likewise settle on the accessible additional items and the last superior rate would be determine. You can then purchase the arrangement for one year or for a more drawn out length.

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Things to remember before buying Kotak health insurance plans

Before you buy any Kotak health insurance plans, it’s important to remember a few things. First of all, make sure you understand the coverages that are available. Second, be sure to compare the prices of different plans to see which one is best for you. And finally, make sure you understand the terms and conditions of the plan you choose. By following these simple tips, you’ll be able to buy the perfect health insurance plan for your needs.

Before you purchase Kotak medical coverage plans, here are a few variables which ought to be remembere –

Total guaranteed

Continuously pick an ideal inclusion level on the grounds that the arrangement would take care of the clinical costs simply up to the aggregate guaranteed that you select. In the event that the inclusion is low, the arrangement wouldn’t be adequate in covering all your clinical costs. In this way, guarantee that you settle on a good total protected level for ideal inclusion.


While a high total safeguarded level is alluring, the related expenses ought to likewise be reasonable. If you have any desire to appreciate proceeded with inclusion you would need to reestablish the strategy and paying exceptionally high expenses consistently could demonstrate troublesome. Thus, when the premium is determined, check and ensure that the premium is reasonable. In the event that the premium is high, decrease the total guaranteed to show up at a reasonable premium rate. The inclusion can then be enhanced through the very top-up arrangement presented by Kotak. The strategy would give you higher inclusion at lower expenses.

Strategy residency

Kotak health care coverage plans are presented for inclusion residencies of as long as 3 years. Picking a higher residency would allow you to stay away from the problems of yearly reestablishments. Besides, a consistent residency would likewise give you premium limits. Thus, in the event that you need, you can pick a nonstop inclusion of a few years under your health care coverage plan.

Individuals covered

You ought to cover all your relatives under the chose Kotak health care coverage plan. assuming you leave any part and that part becomes sick, you would need to cover the doctor’s visit expenses. Thus, shield yourself from the hospital expenses of any relatives by guaranteeing them under your medical coverage plan.

Additional items

Kotak health care coverage plans offer extensional inclusion benefits called riders or additional items. These additional items improve the accessible extent of inclusion. Consequently, while purchasing a health care coverage strategy, check the additional items which the strategy offers and if the additional items are reasonable for your inclusion necessities, pick them for a more far reaching extent of cover.


Kotak health care coverage plans offer appealing limits on the charges. Search for the accessible limits in the arrangement that you select so the exceptional rates can be decreased and you can set aside your cash.

How To Renew Kotak health insurance plans?

Recharging of Kotak medical coverage arrangements is likewise accessible on the web. You can visit the organization’s landing page and pick ‘I need to Recharge my arrangement’. Then pick the health care coverage item that you need to restore. At the point when you do as such, there would be different clear fields which you want to top off. You really want to make reference to the approach number of your current arrangement, the portable number enlisted with Kotak Mahindra General Protection and your date of birth. When the subtleties are placed, you would have the option to check your current arrangement subtleties. The restoration premium would likewise be shown. Pay the restoration premium on the web and the arrangement would be recharged in a split second with no issues.

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How to make a claim under Kotak health insurance plans?

If you have been diagnosed with a medical condition and have started seeking medical treatment, you may be wondering what your next steps are. One of the first things you will need to do is make a claim under your Kotak health insurance plan. Claiming means that you are formally registering with your insurer to ask for help with your medical expenses. There are a few things that you need to know before making a claim, and we’ve put together this guide to help you along the way.

You face a case in your medical coverage strategy when the possibility which is covered under the arrangement happens. To make a case, you ought to follow a few stages and the case would be settled. These means are as per the following –

  • Advise Kotak Mahindra General Insurance Agency regarding the case. This insinuation should be possible on the web. You can visit the organization’s landing page and pick ‘I need to Enlist a non-engine guarantee’
  • You can likewise call the organization’s complementary number 1800 266 4545 or send an email to [email protected] for insinuating the organization of your medical coverage guarantee
    On the off chance that you are taking medicines at an organized clinic, you can make a credit only case. For this case, a pre-authorization structure ought to be fill and submit to Kotak Mahindra General Insurance Agency
  • The pre-authorization structure ought to be submit 3-4 days before you are arranging your hospitalization. In the event of crisis hospitalization, the structure ought to be fill and submit in no less than 24 hours of such hospitalization
  • When the structure is submit, Kotak would survey your case and endorse it
  • When you get the endorsement of your case, you would be qualified to get credit only administrations
  • You can take therapie and your doctor’s visit expense would be settle by Kotak straightforwardly with the clinic at which you are being dealt with
  • Whenever you are release from the medical clinic, you ought to top off a case structure and present every one of the expected records to finish the case settlement process

Documents required for Kotak health insurance claims

If you’re suffering from any health condition, it’s important to get treatment as soon as possible. Unfortunately, sometimes medical expenses can be expensive, and insurance may not cover all of the costs. In order to make a health insurance claim, you’ll need to provide documents that prove the validity of your illness. This post will go over the most important documents you’ll need, and give tips on how to make the most of them when making a claim.

In order for you to get your claim process and settle, a set of documents would have to be provid to Kotak. These documents include the following –

  • The claim form, filled and signed
  • Policy bond
  • Identity proof of the member being treat
  • All the hospital and medical bills in original
  • All medical reports, hospital reports and reports of diagnostic tests
  • Doctor’s prescriptions
  • Police FIR in case of accidental claims
  • Other documents as needed by Kotak

Review of Kotak health insurance

Kotak is a rumored brand name and the organization offers alluring medical coverage plans for its clients. The plans give inclusion to each kind of clinical cost and prove to be useful in a health related crisis. The charges are likewise low and can be additionally diminish utilizing limits. Subsequently, Kotak health care coverage plans are a decent answer for your health care coverage necessities.

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