Independence day 2025 wishes, images, Quotes, status for Whatsapp & fb, Shayari

Independence day: or the day India became an independent nation, is a special day all around the world. The occasion is marked with parades, fireworks, and celebrations of all sorts. It’s also a day to reflect on the past year and make wishes for the year ahead. Here are some of our favorite Independence day 2025 wishes and images for WhatsApp and Facebook. And lastly, here are some beautiful shayaris to celebrate the occasion!

Independence day is a special day to celebrate all the wonderful blessings in life. This year, make sure you take some time to reflect on everything that’s good in your life – from loved ones and friends, to health and prosperity. Write down your blessings for the coming year, and keep them close by as a reminder of what really matters. Let go of negative thoughts and be grateful for all the good things around you today! Wish You A Wonderful Independance Day! Wishing you a happy and peaceful Independence Day.

Today is an important day to celebrate all the good things in life. Be grateful for your loved ones, friends, home, and everything else that makes your life meaningful. Make sure to spend time today letting go of negative thoughts and focusing on what’s positive. Take action towards achieving your goals today, and be sure to enjoy the festivities! Have a fantastic independence day.

Independence day 2025

As we approach independence day 2025, it’s important to reflect on all the good things in your life. Whether you’re grateful for the good health you currently have, the great friends you’ve made, or the abundances of food and resources that are available, take some time to think about all the blessings you have. Write down your blessings and keep them close by as a reminder of what’s truly valuable in life. Happy india day everyone.

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Independence day is an occasion to celebrate all the good things in your life. Whether it’s your loved ones, your friends, your home, or your accomplishments, be grateful for all of them. Spend time today reflecting on all the good things that have happened in the past year and taking actions that make you happy. Make sure to keep the conversation positive, and don’t forget to practice meditation and mindfulness each day to let go of negative thoughts and raise your vibration. Celebrate independence day with a positive attitude, and you’ll be sure to have a great day.

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Article forIndependence day 2025 wishes, images, Quotes, status for Whatsapp & fb, Shayari
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Independence day 2025 wishes

  • My love for my nation is boundless. My love for my people is endless. All I desire for my country is happiness. Let me be the first person to wish you a special Happy Independence Day!
  •  We are blessed to have a right to speak and to be heard. A right several brave souls fought for. Let’s take a moment to think of their sacrifice and what they had to pay for the freedom we enjoy.
  •  Freedom is the way God intended us, it is something we are born with. Something that no one can take away from you. Let’s celebrate Freedom! Happy Independence Day.
  • Can you imagine a day without a right to be free? It is integral to our existence. So, let’s celebrate our Independence Day!
  •  Our forefathers bought our freedom with their hard work and sacrifice. Now we must work hard to create a better nation for generations that follow. Happy Independence Day!
  •  Let’s salute our great nation on its Independence Day! I hope you all feel grateful for the freedom you have and are proud of the nation you were born to. Jai Hind!
  •  Freedom doesn’t see colours or shapes. There is enough hate and violence in the world, and now we need to build a better future, full of love, unity and understanding. Here’s to a wonderful Independence Day!
  •  Here’s to the future full of understanding, appreciation and gratitude. Happy Independence Day!
  •  Today let us take some time to value our nation and never forget the sacrifices from those who gave us freedom. Happy Independence Day!
  •  May your spirits rise with the flag today! Happy Independence Day.

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Independence day 2025 Quotes

These quotes are inspiring words of wisdom on how to be independent and strong in the face of difficult situations. They can remind the reader that no matter what life throws their way, they can always keep moving forward. Independence Day is a day to celebrate freedom and independence.

  •  “Freedom is never dear at any price. It is the breath of life. What would a man not pay for living?”
  • “If yet your blood does not rage, then it is water that flows in your veins. For what is the flush of youth, if it is not of service to the motherland.”
  • “Tum Muje Khoon Do, Mai Tumhe Azadi Dunga”
  •  “Sarfaroshi ki tamanna ab hamare dil me hai, dekhna hai zor kitna baazu-e-qaatil me hai”
  •  “Swaraj is my birthright and I shall have it”
  •  “Long years ago we made a tryst with destiny, and now the time comes when we shall redeem our pledge, not wholly or in full measure, but very substantially. At the stroke of the midnight hour, when the world sleeps, India will awake to life and freedom.”
  •  “Let new India arise out of peasants’ cottage, grasping the plough, out of huts, cobbler and sweeper.”
  • “It is easy to kill individuals, but you cannot kill the ideas. Great empires crumbled, while the ideas survived.”

  •  “Freedom of mind is the real freedom. A person whose mind is not free though he may not be in chains, is a slave, not a free man. One whose mind is not free, though he may not be in prison, is a prisoner and not a free man. One whose mind is not free though alive, is no better than dead. Freedom of mind is the proof of one’s existence.”

 15 August images

Independence day 2023

Independence day 2023

Independence day 2023


Independence day 2025 status for Whatsapp & fb

Independence day 2025 is celebrated on Tuesday, 15 August Independence day 2025 is largely observed in the United States, Canada, UK, Australia and several Latin American countries. In some other countries such as India and Pakistan it is celebrated on a different date. WhatsApp and Facebook both commemorate Independence day on different days. WhatsApp observes it on 15 August while Facebook observes it on 15 August WhatsApp: WhatsApp celebrates Independence day on 15 August.

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 Independence Day Facebook Status

  • Let’s make a strong decision, to value our nation and never forget the sacrifices of those who gave us freedom. Happy Independence Day!
  • Thousands of people laid down their dear lives for our country to breathe this day, we should never forget their sacrifice…happy Independence Day!
  • My love for my nation is worthiness. My love for my people is endless. All I desire for my country is happiness. Let me be the first person to wish you a special happy Independence Day!
  • Hope you can feel the pride of being a part of this glorious nation. Here is my warm patriotic wish to make this unique day truly memorable.
  • Without freedom, we don’t have a name, one vision, one identity, one nation. If our country is worth dying for, during wars, we should also realize that it’s worth living for in time of peace!
  • Let’s make strong decisions to value our dear nation. We will never forget the sacrifice our freedom fighters had made. Now it’s our turn to reform the country. Happy Independence Day!
  • My heart beats with pride when I see the amazing colors of Independence spreading joy and happiness all around us. May the glory of this day be with you forever, happy Independence Day!
  • On this day, we come together, we unite and make it another beautiful day to speak and fight against corruption while we spiral the flag of our beautiful nation.
  • Happy Independence Day to everyone, I wish you all faith in the words, freedom in the mind, and pride in your souls. Let’s salute this glorious nation on its Independence Day!
  • Let us honor every patriot because, without them, freedom would not have existed. What they did, we can never repay. Happy Independence Day!

Independence Day Best Whatsapp Status

  • It does not matter who we are, what matters is our contribution to the betterment of the country. Happy Independence Day!
  • Those who expect to reap the blessings of freedom, must, like men, undergo the fatigue of supporting it.
  • Life is full of positivity and harmony, only if you have the heart to feel it. Happy Independence Day to you. Keep the spirit of freedom high always!
  • Your freedom is brought to you courtesy of the outstanding Men and Women who serve and have served this country with honor, dedication, pride, and sacrifice!
  • Sacrificing its own life for the country requires a lot of courage, but doing something good for the country only requires a will. Happy Independence Day!
  • Happy Independence Day to you. Today let’s celebrate those who shed their blood for our freedom. They are the ones who deserve the glory!
  • We need more people like you who are loyal and honest to this country. Happy Independence Day to the most inspiring person I’ve ever met!
  • Those who won our independence believed liberty to be the secret of happiness and courage to be the secret of liberty.
  • He that would make his own liberty secure must guard even his enemy against opposition; for if he violates this duty he establishes a precedent that will reach himself.
  • It does not take a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men.

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Shayari On 15 August

दिल हमारे एक हैं एक ही है हमारी जान,
हिंदुस्तान हमारा है हम हैं इसकी शान,
जान लुटा देंगे वतन पे हो जायेंगे कुर्बान,
इसलिए हम कहते हैं मेरा भारत महान।

देश के लिए मर मिटना कुबूल है हमें,
अखंड भारत के सपने का जूनून है हमें।
जय हिन्द Happy Independence day

इस वतन के रखवाले हैं हम,
शेर ए जिगर वाले हैं हम,
मौत से हम नहीं डरते,
मौत को बाँहों में पाले हैं हम।
वन्दे मातरम

तीन रंग का नहीं वस्त्र, ये ध्वज देश की शान है,
हर भारतीय के दिलों का स्वाभिमान है,
यही है गंगा, यही हिमालय, यही हिन्द की जान है,
और तीन रंगों में रंगा हुआ ये अपना हिन्दुस्तान है।
जय हिन्द स्वतंत्रता दिवस की हार्दिक शुभकामनाएं

कुछ नशा तिरंगे की आन का हैं,
कुछ नशा मातृभूमि की शान का हैं,
हम लहरायेंगे हर जगह ये तिरंगा,
नशा ये हिन्दुस्तान की शान का हैं।

लहराएगा  तिरंगा अब सारे आसमान पर,
भारत का ही नाम होगा सबकी जुबान पर,
ले लेंगे उसकी जान या खेलेंगे अपनी जान पर,
कोई जो उठाएगा आंख हिंदुस्तान पर।

फरिस्ते सिर्फ आसमान में नहीं रहते हैं,
जमीन ए हिंद पर उन्हें जवान कहते हैं।
Happy Independence day

कुछ कर गुजरने की गर तमन्ना उठती हो दिल में,
भारत माँ का नाम सजाओ
दुनिया की महफिल में।
स्वतंत्रता दिवस की हार्दिक शुभकामनाएं

Which India Independence Day 2025?

Independence Day 2025: India is all set to celebrate its 75th year of Independence on 2025. On this day, the nation's first Prime Minister hoisted the tricolour at Red Fort to mark India's independence from the British Imperial Crown.

When did India get Independence?

On August 15, 1947, at 12 a.m., the Indian Independence Act enters into force, separating India and Pakistan from the old Mogul Empire.

What is the time of flag hoisting on Independence Day?

The celebration of Independence Day Ceremony/hoisting of the National Flag at State Capitals/District Headquarters/Sub-division/Block / Gram Panchayat/Villages will be allowed as per the notice issued by the MHA. It should start at 9 a.m. the following morning.

Why do we remove flag in evening?

In general, before nightfall, flags are removed since most governments have regulations prohibiting the flying or displaying of flags after dark unless the flag is lit. Lowering the flag in the morning is a show of respect and dignity for both the flag and the nation it represents. Raising it is a show of strength.

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