DRDO CEPTAM 10 Result – Defense Research and Development Organization DRDO has successfully take the CEPTAM 10 Exam on 15 November 2025. All the aspirants who appeared in the DRDO EPTAM 10 Exam are searching for the Result, Lakhs of aspirants are waiting for the result very soon your wait is going to end. Aspirants will be able to check their results through DRDO’s official website drdo.gov.in. All the details related to DRDO CEPTAM Recruitment Result is given on this page. For more details regard result visit official website link of official website is given below.
Candidates who took the test may log in to the relevant positions by clicking on the button. The applicant’s information, as well as the exam information, will be included on DRDO 10’s scorecard. The organization will also release the answer key, cut-off, and merit list via their official portal, in addition to the DRDO CEPTAM 10 results. In order to contact the government of India, visit drdo.gov.in Carry on by reading the rest of the article and gathering most of the information on the CEPTAM 10 scorecard 2025.
DRDO CEPTAM 10 Result 2025
Aspirants with the required minimum score on the Tier I test will qualify to take the Tier II exam. In addition to the results, the scorecard list will also become public. Student will receive merit ranks based on their overall score. Aspirants who pass both phases of the exam and are deemed eligible must take skill tests, physical fitness tests, or capability tests, depending on the position’s requirements.
The Defence Research and Development Organization (DRDO) conducts the DRDO CEPTAM exam for a number of positions, including Technician-A, Senior Technical Assistant B (STA-B), and Multi-Tasking Staff (MTS). Technician A and Technical Assistant B have been officially informed. After the exam is over, applicants will be able to access the DRDO CEPTAM 10 Result 2025 and the cutoff on the official DRDO website.
The candidates will have a better understanding of the exam’s scoring system thanks to the DRDO CEPTAM cutoff. By looking at the cutoff for the previous year, candidates can learn about the grades they received in the past and make plans to improve their grades.
DRDO CEPTAM 10 Result Overview
Organization | Defense Research and Development Organization (DRDO) |
Advt No. | CEPTAM-10/DRTC |
Type of Employment | Govt Jobs |
Total Vacancies | 1901 Post |
Location | All Over India |
Post Name | Senior Technical Assistant & Technician A |
Official Website | drdo.gov.in |
Category | Result |
Exam Date | 2025 |
Result Date | 2025 |
Defense Research and Development Organization CEPTAM 10 Result 2025 Link
For the Department of Center for Personal Talent Management (CEPTAM 2025), DRDO conducts annual recruitment. Candidates will have to pass two stages of the recruitment: the Tier 1 (CBT) exam and the Tier 2 (Trade / Skill / Physical Fitness / Capability Test). Let the applicants who showed up in the DRDO CEPTAM 10 assessment be educated that the DRDO CEPTAM Result 2025 of the CBT of the main competitors will be given and the up-and-comers who will find lasting success in this assessment will be required the subsequent stage. Candidates will be able to access the DRDO CEPTM Result 2025 of the test or examination by visiting the official website at http://www.drdo.gov.in. You will also be able to access the result from the link on our page when it is made available.
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Defense Research and Development Organization CEPTAM 10 Cut-Off Marks
You are all aware that the DRDO is a respected organization in our nation, and for any candidate to be a part of it is a source of pride and honor. You must not only pass the cut-off mark, but you must also score higher than the cut-off mark in order to join such an organization. We are all aware that when DRDO conducted this exam in the past few years, the cut-off marks exceeded our expectations due to increasing student competition.
The minimum qualifying marks for Tier-1 Examination is:
Category | Minimum marks to Qualify | Expected Cut off Marks to Qualify STA-A | Expected Cut off Marks to Qualify Tech-A |
Unreserved (UR) | 40 percent | 96 to 110 marks | 90 to 102 marks |
OBC | 40 percent | 80 to 95 marks | 75 to 85 marks |
EWS | 40 percent | 80 to 90 marks | 72 to 84 marks |
Schedule Caste(SC) | 35 percent | 60 to 70 marks | 58 to 68 marks |
Schedule Tribe(ST) | 35 percent | 60 to 70 marks | 58 to 66 marks |
Merit List of DRDO CEPTAM 10 2025
DRDO has successfully take the Tier-I exam for Tech: A&A and Tech: A all over the country those applicants who successfully cleared the Tier-1 exam test will be called for Tier-II test and after that, a document verification process will be held. But after Tier-I Examination aspirants who qualify the exam must be provisionally selected in merit list obtained in Tier-I depending upon the post and category of the aspirant. So aspirant must perform well in Tier-I exam.
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How to Check DRDO CAPTEM 10 Result Online?
- First of all, visit the official website of Defence Research Development Organization, i.e. https://www.drdo.gov.in
- Now, press on the link for “DRDO Recruitment [CEPTAM Notice Board]” homepage
- Open the link titled as “Press here to View/ Download Result for CEPTAM 10/ DRTC Advertisement 2025″.
- A new window will display showing the list of all the Post Codes/ Subjects for which result has published.
- Your DRDO Senior Technical Assistant-B CBT 1 Score Card will appear on the screen.
- Download your Defense Research and Development Organization CEPTAM Result/ Score Card and keep it safe for your records.
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