PSA Screening Declines Leading to More Men Diagnosed With Advanced Prostate Cancer

Prostate Cancer- As a result of the decline in prostate cancer screening tests over the past two decades, many men are being diagnosed with advanced stages of the disease. Because they do not respond well to treatment regimens, these stages are difficult to treat. Many patients are now presenting with advanced levels of Prostate Cancer, which do not respond to the available treatment options and can spread to other parts of the body. This is because screening for Prostate Cancer has decreased over the past two decades.

This decrease is as a result of numerous expert recommendations against the use of PSA in healthy men. This is due to the fact that physicians were diagnosing and treating older men with Prostate Cancer whose disease might progress so slowly that they might die of other diseases and complications before their cancer reached the metastatic stage. Because of these concerns, the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force has advised against using PSA on men over the age of 70.

Prostate Cancer

A type of cancer that affects men’s prostate is called advanced prostate cancer. The small gland known as the prostate gland is found in men’s reproductive systems. It produces seminal fluid, which feeds sperm. Additionally, the sperm use this seminal fluid as a medium for movement and transport. This is a prevalent form of cancer that typically affects only the prostate gland. Patients with this kind of cancer typically do not experience any significant complications and can be completely cured.

However, if this cancer is discovered at a later stage, it can spread to other parts of the body and become resistant to current treatments. The patient’s prognosis worsens once they reach this stage, which is known as metastasis of the cancer. While some forms of prostate cancer progress slowly and require few treatments, others can progress more rapidly and aggressively, causing the patient to experience faster metastasis.

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PSA Screening Declines Leading to More Men Diagnosed With Advanced Prostate Cancer

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Symptoms Prostate Cancer

In the early stages of Prostate Cancer, there are typically no signs or symptoms. Numerous signs and symptoms of advanced prostate cancer may prompt a patient to see a urologist. The following is a list of these symptoms and signs.

  • Trouble in urination
  • Presence of blood or semen in urine
  • Bone pain
  • Pain around the groin region
  • Erectile Dysfunction
  • Unexplained loss of weight
  • Decreased force in urine stream

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Causes of Prostate Cancer

Although the exact cause of Prostate Cancer is unknown, it has been hypothesized that alterations in the DNA of the cells in the prostate gland may be to blame. A tumor grows in these cells as a result of their rapid growth and differentiation.

Some of these cells can even break away from the tissue they came from and move to other parts of the body, where they can grow into tumors. There are numerous risk factors that can make you more likely to get prostate cancer.

  • Age: The elderly are more likely to develop prostate cancer. After the age of 50, your risk of developing Prostate Cancer goes up.
  • History in the Family: If a member of your family has Prostate Cancer or Breast Cancer, you should get regular checkups and screening tests. If a family member has Prostate Cancer in the past, you are more likely to get the disease.
  • Obesity: People who are overweight are more likely to develop prostate cancer, which has more severe symptoms than other types of cancer.
  • Race: Black men are more likely than other people to develop prostate cancer, which is also more likely to be aggressive and advanced in these groups. The precise cause of this phenomenon is still poorly understood.

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Decline in the Screening Tests For Prostate Cancer

  • In 1994, the use of Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) for the screening of all individuals for prostate cancer was approved by the FDA. The PSA screening should not be used on men over 75, according to a 2008 recommendation from the US Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF).
  • This was done because they discovered that many doctors were diagnosing and treating Prostate Cancer in patients whose conditions were not serious or who were at risk of death from other causes before their cancer reached the aggressive stage. The healthcare providers were under a lot of stress and had a lot of work to do as a result.
  • In addition, numerous patients experienced erectile dysfunction and urinary incontinence as treatment-related side effects. In 2012, the USPSTF advised against screening all men for prostate cancer. In 2018, the USPSTF advised people between the ages of 55 and 70 to decide for themselves whether or not to have the screening after consulting with their doctors.
  • Additionally, they suggested that people over the age of 70 should not be screened for Prostate Cancer. The incidence of advanced prostate cancer has now increased as a result of this decrease in screening tests.

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